boxy wrote on Apr 30
th, 2016 at 11:37pm:
My point, obviously, was that even believers get a life full of pain and suffering. Perhaps you are isolated from it, in your cosy, secular western city apartment?
The true believers, in their third world shitholes may be able to tell you about real suffering?
Why I am well aware of the persecution Christians receive. Jesus never said you were going to drive a limo and live in a mansion with an easy life. He said you will be persecuted because of Him.
Simple demographics make it easier for Christians in countries where that persecution is not so rampant.
Your point wasn't obvious, it is now that you have explained yourself clearer.
Everybody has different lots in life. Mankind is free to migrate to different countries and have children in different circumstances and environments. Mankind is free to totally screw up the world that's why God is shortly going to put an end to it all.
Spiritually all those people you say are living poo lives all have the Holy Spirit inside them something you wouldn't know anything about if you are not a Christian. He is also known as the Comforter and brings a peace in adversity that is surpassed understating as it is written.
The bible also says its not as you think the least will be first and the first least in heaven. Given my circumstances and easy life at the moment I would probably end up the least. Yet I have that peace of spirit and commune with God's Holy Spirit within me.