the problem for organised religion is this.
Jesus and the Buddha and Mohammed almost certainly achieved "spiritual enlightenment" What does this mean? It means that through a process of meditation, prayer, stripping away of all that feeds the ego, they were able to arrive at "the core", they were able to realise "the truth" .
This truth (which i spend a little time working on) is the truth that
YOU dont exist. That there is no YOU experiencing life. There is no need for a YOU as a perciever of reality. Reality simply exists and thats the end of it.
You are essentially a "thought" and you cannot see reality becuase for YOU to see it , we would have to remove YOU from it.
Jesus spoke extensively on this truth, as did the buddha.
people obviously saw that there was something "enlightened' about these guys. people wanted in on it.
but peoples egos prevent them from seeing it!!
the truth that jesus realised is a "truth that cannot be communicated" it can only be experienced.
and this is where religions go wrong. because they try though gurus and priests and rituals and books to communicate a truth that people can never understand "in thought"
you can only understand these thruths by eliminating thought.
and the ego wont let you do that.
to see the truth, the ego must YOU this feels like you are dying.
i dabble in it, and have had glimpses of it, but heres the thing.
spiritual enlightenment will not make you happy in the current egoic world. it will not make you popular or rich or happy.
it will, however give you a deep sense of peace.
it is worth working towards.
most christians, buddhists and muslims would be nowhere near understanding any of this. BUT at least they recognise that the pursuit of truth is a worthwhile, even if unattainable goal.
for those who mock them, all i would say is that you have contructed a world which is just a pathetic playground for your ego and you are so far removed from your true nature, you will never get it. you will be a mouse on a hamspter wheel chasing happiness your entire life and you wont find it. it cant be found in the egoic world.
the great spirtual thinkers were right and when you criticise them, it is just your ego protecting itself and making you even lower in your conscious state . you really should try harder , but why would you. You think that You are important ..well your ego does and it certainly does not want to die or diminish