again because of pedantry, you are missing the great mindfulness lessons of the bible...a very good self help book.
dont worry about the silly things in the bible or the koran or the dharma.
skip that stuff.
for example, re Lots wife.
god told them to leave and not look back.
Lots wife looked back and she was turned into a pillar of salt.
she was "pickled"on the spot.
now if you accept that god isnt a policeman in the sky (how childish to think that), but that god is the "truth" that exists behind ego, we can look at this mindfully.
what is 'the truth" saying about looking back, about always carrying emotional baggage, about always looking to the past, about not living in the "now".
The truth is saying that if you look back , you get pickled.
If various people carry the baggage of past injustices and cant let go, they get pickled.
look at the various victim groups, men who never get over their divorces, women who are the same...their whole facial expression is one of being pickled, of "sucking on a lemon"
the bible is full of these sorts of wisdom teachings, as i am sure the koran and the dhama are.
probably the majority of human beings in past history have derived benefit from these teachings.
nothing last 2000 or more years if there is no substance to it.
the teachings of aquascoot or sentana or aussie or ashley will influence maybe a dozen people.
these religious teachings have stood the test of time.
beethoven, mozart, shakespeare....geniuses come along and their genius is immortal.
you can get aussie or aquascoot or sentana or ashley to sing karaoke but it is irrelevant.
but the true geniuses are always relevant.
jesus, muhammed , the buddha, krishna, the dao, ...these guys and their teachings arent going to go away because some people who are "clever but not wise" call them sky fairies.
there is much to learn and it is the egos of the aetheists that do them a disservice.
how many people have gotten peace from the religious teachings.
i suspect a lot more then have got peace from ebay, facebook and youtube.
carry on