issuevoter wrote on May 4
th, 2016 at 9:46pm:
I am not going to dignify the OP with a comment, because a person who has no idea of the different histories and attributes of the two cultures, really needs to do some study.
I would be surprised if Mr Hammer actually finished year 10.
I'd bet a year's pay that he failed most subjects in school, except woodwork, and abandoned his education the day he turned 15.
He has all the hallmarks of an uneducated, ignorant high-school drop-out.
As harsh as that sounds, I actually feel sorry for him.
It's a parent's responsibility to make sure their children are well-educated.
In this century, Mr Hammer's level of education is totally unacceptable.
I just hope that he decides to make some effort to rectify the situation.
It's never too late to go back to school.