issuevoter wrote on May 14
th, 2016 at 2:54pm:
Class! Class! Pipe down. You will be going to High School next year. If you can just get by the mutual accusations of homosexuality for a moment, I am looking at the Summary Execution poll. I don't believe it would be representative of the wider community. However, I vote in favour provided it is only applied to enemies who lurk out of uniform. And just to show that I am not a racist, David Hicks should go to the wall first, followed by combatants and none-uniformed assassins of nations and groups who refuse to honor the Geneva Conventions.
The USA is violating the Geneva conventions itself: Quote:Article 4 of the Geneva Convention defines the categories of persons who may be considered as "prisoners of war." According to Article 5, "should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to any of the categories enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal." No competent tribunal has adjudicated this matter.
Among the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention regarding humane treatment of prisoners of war, which the U.S. is refusing to apply, are:
- Article 13: Humane treatment required; No reprisals allowed
- Article 14: Respect for persons and honour; No gender discrimination
- Article 16: No discrimination based on race, nationality, religious belief or political opinions
- Article 17: No physical or mental torture; No coercion to obtain information; Prisoners who decline to provide information may not be threatened, insulted or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment
- Article 18: Clothing, articles of personal use, to remain with prisoners
- Article 20: Evacuation or transfer to be under same conditions as afforded Detaining Power
- Article 21: Internment in camp allowed; Close confinement prohibited
- Article 22: Internment in penitentiaries prohibited; Every guarantee of hygiene and healthfulness required
- Article 25: Condition of quarters must be as favorable for POWs as for the forces of the Detaining Power; Accommodations for habits and customs of POWs required; Protection from dampness, adequate heat and lighting required
- Article 26: Food must be in sufficient quantity, quality and variety to maintain good health and weight
- Article 27: Adequate clothing, underwear and footwear required
- Article 28: Canteens must be installed; Fairly priced food, soap, tobacco and ordinary items must be stocked
- Articles 29 - 32: Proper hygiene and medical attention, including monthly health inspections, required
- Articles 34 - 37: Prisoners must be afforded complete latitude in the exercise of religion, including attendance at services, on condition they comply with disciplinary routine
- Article 38: Provisions for physical, intellectual and recreational activities
- Article 70: Prisoners must be allowed to write to family, others