Quote:God thats stupid Gordy.
Explain to me how its a bigger risk for a candidate muslim immigrant to become radicalized than it is for any other non-muslim candidate to become a rapist, murderer, drug lord etc etc etc. Have a greater proportion of muslim immigrants become criminal compared to the proportion of non-muslim immigrants? Maybe thats kinda pertinent point to consider before we lurch aimlessly into this inane thought bubble hmmm?
Oh how the taqiyya flows from the mouths of the muslims and their apologists.
The bigger risk is the undisputed fact that muslims are prone to becoming
religious terrorists at an alarmingly high rate per muslim population.
They do this in order to obey the satanic commands from the demon allah in the qur'an.
They relish the fact that they may commit unspeakably inhumane atrocities, in the name of allah, against their fellow man.
Thus ensuring they enter into allah's brothel in the sky where, for the sexual pleasure of the
muslim religious terrorist, the houris with big tits and little boys with eyes like pearls abound.
muslims and their religion present an extremely high threat against our society.
We don't need
islamic religious terrorists.
We don't need the root cause of
muslim religious terrorists which is? You guessed it islam.
We don't need muslims who refuse to clean up the evil doctrine which urges islamic terrorism.
They are passive supporters they endorse the doctrine, therefore by definition they substantiate the religious terrorism engendered by these tenets.