innocentbystander. wrote on May 8
th, 2016 at 8:12pm:
The white vote is generally divided, they can't make up their mind who in the hell to vote for but the muslim vote is not divided, they will vote for the muslim candidate en masse every single time and this is a very interesting phenomenon, the muslim has come to the West to escape their fellow crazy arsed muslims yet can't wait to turn the sanctuary that they came to into another muslim hellhole, now you would think that every single muslim that came to the west would vote for some white guy in order to keep that sanctuary secure but this is not what is happening
and that is a mystery.
It is not 'mysterious' circumstance at all.
ISLAM 'creates' a mental pathology [a 'sickness'] in the psyche of those human beings who choose to embrace it.
Yadda said.... Quote:
Moslem 'refugees' are patently, not coming to countries like Australia, because they need to seek refuge and sanctuary.
Patently not, because moslem refugees never travel, to Australia [and other 1st world countries], directly from their home country, but moslems always travel through a number of 3rd countries, before eventually embarking for Australian shores.
In some cases moslems will spend years, living within a 3rd country, and then leave that sanctuary, to travel to an infidel jurisdiction country.
Moslem 'refugees' are self declared moslems [i.e. they are people who have chosen to maintain their 'embrace' of a dangerous and violent philosophy, not unlike Nazism. Google; similarity between islam and nazism]
The truth is that ISLAM is an evil philosophy, which, imo, creates a mental pathology [a 'sickness'] in the psyche of those human beings who choose to embrace it.
sanity = = the condition of being sane. reasonable and rational behaviour.'Normal' criminal behaviour - in mankind Quote:
A simple definition of SANITY/INSANITY.
Typically, an unrestrained sane person will act in ways which are harmless to others, and in ways which are creative, and productive [for himself, others, and society].
And typically, and conversely, an unrestrained INSANE person will act in ways which are harmful and destructive to himself, and, or, others around him.
innocentbystander. wrote on May 8
th, 2016 at 8:12pm:
There could be some low IQ thinking going on here, the muslim has come to the west for the wests welfare benefits yet he actively seeks to undermine that welfare society and replace it with an isis benefits free hell hole.
Muslims make about as much sense as leftards in everything they do, I guess this why the leftard is head over heels in love with the crazy muslim, two crazy peas in the same pod
Moslems seem to have a 'herd cunning' [or a 'herd intelligence'].
When moslems stick together,
as a self-'energising' homogeneous community, 'the moslem' will almost certainly, eventually, defeat and overcome a much stronger adversary.
An example of this 'sticking together';
Quote:.....but the muslim vote is not divided, they will vote for the muslim candidate en masse every single time and this is a very interesting phenomenon,
When i say a 'herd intelligence', i mean that moslems are following
war strategies to overcome adversaries, ....
war strategies which have been 'honed' and recorded, over centuries of conflict!
And as long as moslems stick to their conflict 'playbook', then moslems can [
and moslems know that they can!!!], be reasonably confident of eventually overcoming their current infidel foe, through a process of unending attrition.
We in the rest of the world, should look at the recent history of
the Arab the moslem / Israeli conflict [i.e. 1948 to the present], .....and seek to learn from the ways in which the Jewish nation has [mostly] successfully thwarted ISLAMIST inspired attacks.
But how have the Israelis done that ???
brutally punishing every instance and example, of naked ISLAMIST violence.
By consistently demolishing, BY COURT ORDER,
the family home, of ISLAMIST terrorists, who strike within Israel.
e.g. #2,
Moslems in Gaza, chose, to send rockets laden with high explosives into Israeli civilian areas, bombard Israeli civilians with rockets laden with high explosives
"Coz, that's how we will defeat the Zionists, with Terror!
Allah Akbar!!! Allah Akbar!!!"