Svengali wrote on May 7
th, 2016 at 9:29am:
Sadiq Khan won despite a racist campaign against him. Next step for Sadiq; Prime Minister.
Well congratulations
Sadiq Khan.
But i predict that
Sadiq Khan will be no different [
from all other moslems],
.....and that he will likely [sometime in the future] be exposed as having wielded his authority, as Mayor of London, in ways which have singularly favoured his [fellow] moslem friends, at the expense of other, non-moslem constituents.
The guy is a moslem.
His religion [commands from within the Koran] make it obligatory, for
Sadiq Khan to favour moslems in all of his dealings,
above the interests of those who are not moslems!
And recent history attests, that that is what almost always happens whenever any practicing moslem, is elected to public office [even within a secular jurisdiction] and when that moslem is able to wield some significant authority in his public office.
Maybe i will be proven wrong.
But we'll see.
One other high profile example of a moslem in high [appointed] public office 'behaving badly', also in
Ali Dizaei, london muslim police commander corruptGoogle;
Ali Dizaei, perverting the course of justice