Karnal wrote on May 14
th, 2016 at 5:53pm:
freediver wrote on May 14
th, 2016 at 3:38pm:
What Gandalf is trying to say is that supporting GWB is morally equivalent to supporting OBL. Therefor Islamic extremists are actually the 'good Muslims.' It's a whole new spin on the good Muslim angle.
Didn't you change your mind to support the invasion of Iraq yourself?
Does this not make you a terrorist?
Remember, Iraq was invaded because the prevailing ethos was that they are just like everyone else, yearning to be free and democratic like everyone else around the world. The place went down the toilet, like Lybia and the rest of them, precisely because they are not like everyone else, they do not yearn to be free and democratic.
So the mistake was not the invasion of Iraq, but imagining that they can be liberated from their deep and binding Islamic and tribal bonds into freedom, democracy, compromise, peaceful; political negotiation and non-sectarian cultural coexistence.
overestimeted them, again, as we always do with the Idi Amins, Mugabes, Chaveses, Khomeinis, Pol Pots, etc. We pretended they are like us.