greggerypeccary wrote on May 16
th, 2016 at 9:45am:
aquascoot wrote on May 16
th, 2016 at 9:33am:
But collective bargaining for human labor is an abhoration. One worker is most certainly not the same as the next worker.
to treat them all as a commodity is extremely disempowering and humiliating for them and a form of enslavement.
More of your astounding ignorance.
When an EBA is negotiated, the wages & conditions in that document are merely the
minimum for all employees.
Employers do not have to pay all employees the same rate.
If they feel that any particular employees are more valuable than others, they can pay them any amount they want above what is in the EBA.
There is absolutely nothing stopping an employer paying their best employees twice as much as everyone else in the company.
Every single employee can be on a different rate of pay, according to their productivity etc.
Similarly, better employees can be given extra benefits, such as longer lunch breaks, more annual leave, etc.
You (and many others on here) really do know
very little about EBAs and their application in the workplace.
this sounds like an ebay auction where there is a floor price which prevents the market operating efficiently.
my observation is that once you put a minimum bid, people lose interest in the auction.
the mediocre items need to be put up for auction with an opening bid of 99 cents and then we will find out their true worth.
This is the "purity' of the market before the unions "pollute " it by demanding unnatural conditions like a "minimum wage"
No one in small business, the engine room of the economy, has such a "minimum wage" and these are the people with courage grit and drive.
Why would we therefore give a "minimum wage" to people who are meek lazy and lack courage.
Minimum wage for small business owners, gauranteed by the government.

Workers to be paid at a rate determined by the market, to encourage them to try to become more valuable.
This is the way of the superior economy