Redmond Neck wrote on May 16
th, 2016 at 9:22am:
cods wrote on May 16
th, 2016 at 9:17am:
Redmond Neck wrote on May 16
th, 2016 at 8:50am:
I guess Froggie
"Desperate times Call For Desperate Measures" by the Lib Supporters.
No decent policies of their own so start on Shortens divorcing his wife for a younger women.
Seems to cut deep with some!
nah dont mind a bloke getting a divorce....
it was the getting the mistress pregnant then telling his wife.....that pizzzzzzed me of...
of course you blokes pat him on the back dont you....this guys good at disloyalty
Not patting anyone on the back.
Peoples private lives should be that!
Not used as cheap shots when you have no real policies to argue in favour of.
red when you stick your neck out to be an MP.. then you do not have a private life...
I do not recall you saying that when Abbott Uni days were all the rage...
this is the trouble with lefties they forget theior double standards.... and we righties dont forget them..
I believe we need to know all there is about someone who sets himself up to run MY country..
sure if they got a speeding ticket when they were young I wouldnt give a toss....
but this man wasnt young when he was getting his mistress pregnant..
and did you kn ow he told his wife at the time at a football match he was leaving her...??
this is a man who uses people then tosses them away like a losing lottery ticket...well you saw what he did to krudd and gillard.. without a blink of an eye..
its what he is....a user..