One more time for the terminally delusional and English limited... see even The Age the biggest mainstream LW Rag in Oz agrees.
Quote:That union officials would consider it appropriate to strike side deals with employers and solicit secret commissions that pumped up the union's coffers (but not the conditions of its members), or to falsify membership numbers and concoct fraudulent records to keep much of this under the radar, is a beggarly state of affairs. It is evidence of a sick culture, one that prevailed at the Victorian branch of the Australian Workers' Union last decade.
Quote:The royal commission examining the financial affairs of trade unions has spent much of this year probing every angle of the AWU's dealings with a range of companies. No one comes out of this unblemished: not the union, its officials, nor the companies involved.
Quote:There were two sides to the corrupt payments identified by the royal commission. The companies that paid commissions to the AWU did so to maintain industrial peace or to ensure they did not have to pay workers their proper rates. They conspired in the skulduggery. They facilitated or acquiesced by waving through fraudulent invoices and other documentation. They must be held accountable.
The relationship between unions and employers should not be perennially hostile and combative. But, inside the AWU, there is evidence that a culture of trickery, conspiracy and illicit dealing gained traction last decade.
Oh look you'll love this one...
For those who maintain the commission is a witch-hunt, you are in denial. Here is the nub. Improper and corrupt activities by union officials corrode the trust of workers – and that will subvert the power of the union movement. It is imperative that the financial corruption, sly dealings, intimidation and standover tactics practised by some Australian unions are exposed, punished and eradicated.
Now I'm sure you didn't mean to say that the commission did not find people criminally guilty, because we all know it can't, because it is not a court of law. We all know many cased have been sent to the public prosecutions office for further investigation by police and if necessary a trial.