freediver wrote on Jun 15
th, 2016 at 12:23pm:
Would it be accurate to say that you believe they were treacherous Jews, but refrain from saying so directly, in order to avoid the appearance of racism?
No, as I've been trying to say, the phrase confers an offensive racist meaning that goes far beyond the literal meaning of the two individual words. It is literally a whole different meaning to saying (for example) 'treacherous people who happened to be of jewish faith'. Not dissimilar to "dirty black person/abo/curry-muncher" etc. Imagine if we were talking about an Aborigine who had fell into animal poo - you would be telling me 'yeah he's an aborigine, which we call Abo for short, and he's clearly dirty - so why not a 'dirty abo?' You of course understand why not in both situations, and is the only way your persistent efforts to shove it in my mouth makes sense.
freediver wrote on Jun 15
th, 2016 at 12:23pm:
I'll retract that claim. I must have been thinking of the Bani Aws, who were previously allies with them
Leave you alone long enough to tell your own version of events, and as sure as night comes after day, you will make some porky up. You do it all the time FD. Its good that you retract it, but do you think your credibility in this debate suffers at all?
freediver wrote on Jun 15
th, 2016 at 12:23pm:
Thus, their Jewishness was explicitly used as a justification for the slaughter
It was part of the negotiations while they were under siege. Muhammad offered to judge them under jewish law, and the Quraysh agreed - but insisted that only on the condition that the judgement was administered by their allies - the Bani Aws. Muhammad agreed. So in fact it was a Quraysh demand, which Muhammad agreed to for the sake of a speedy resolution. You of course would know this, because its cited in the same article you just linked. Funny how you didn't mention this little detail.
freediver wrote on Jun 15
th, 2016 at 12:23pm:
Did you previously claim that two of the tribe escaped punishment by "disowning" the treachery?
I believe thats in the Ibn Ishaq account - feel free to look it up.