Mistress Nicole wrote on May 31
st, 2016 at 7:11pm:
Exactly, Culture Warrior. The West's evil white male, held responsible for so much that is wrong in society by the progressive left, pales in comparison to how your "highly religious, conservative, nationalist immigrants" will treat women, gays, and people who don't march in lockstep to their viewpoints on, well, pretty much anything.
The left's love of Islam is one of those things that just makes no sense.
I think it has to do with what's called 'status signalling'. By holding certain views (being tolerant of all non-white ethnicities, regardless of how they act), they associate themselves with an 'intellectually and morally superior' group and not the 'bogans' and 'rednecks'.
Quote:It's why back on Debate and Relate Brian got his arse whipped so many times, it was frankly embarrassing. He would simply disappear from debates, only to pop up two weeks later spruiking the same rubbish.
Quote:I used to be a lefty, until I hit debate boards back about 15 years ago. I had to admit - to myself - that I was getting my arse whipped because my leftwing philosophies simply made no practical sense. I was forced to change my views.
I was a lefty many years ago as well. I changed for numerous reasons. Initially, I saw numerous contradictions in their (and my) claims. After a while, I could no longer in good conscience holds such contradictory views. As my skepticism of them grew, I also noticed that they had a very pessimistic and morbid view of the world - from their views on human nature, society, (Western) culture, history, economics.