Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2016 at 1:04pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2016 at 12:50pm:
Oh, it’s an old argument I grant you, but you distinctly argued that those leaving their countries to further their own economic interests were traitors to their own culture.
Where have I claimed to have moved for my own economic interests?
Quote:For some inextricable reason, you also find "progressives" travelling overseas evil too.
Incorrect. I criticise "progressives" who desire mass migration from Middle Eastern and African countries while never going there to holiday. The only time they see those places is from 11 kilometres in the air.
Quote:But apart from that, your argument that cultures can’t mix is current. You’re using it here. For some reason, you’ve used the fact that you’ve abandoned your own culture to live in an "incompatible " one as evidence that you know what you’re taking about.
However, all this shows is that people can mix and move, even those who hold such pious views as yourself.
The question is one of how well migrants can integrate and/or assimilate, and not that they can't mix. Europeans and Americans assimilate here well. Highly religious and conservative Arabs and Africans don't.
I've also never abandoned my own culture. You keep making sh*t up. Such is the case when you need to lie to prove a point.
Sorry, Mistie, are you saying you moved to Turkey to work as a volunteer?
I had no idea. I thought you were there as a career move. Good on you - most pious of you. You’re so much better than those "progressives" who merely visit Turkey on their holidays.
I’m glad you haven’t abandoned your own culture, but can I ask? How come you’re allowed to live in a different culture without assimilating?
Are you saying you haven’t learned Turkish? You don’t go to the mosque on Fridays? You haven’t grown a mustache?
Morning Mist would have something to say about that, I think. He would not be amused. He can’t stand people who move here and don’t speak English.
Still, Postmodern Trendoid would congratulate you for it. He’d say free migration will bring world peace. He’d say turning your back on your own country is progress. He’d see you as a comrade for sure.
Discuss. For extra marks, write your reply in Turkish.