bogarde73 wrote on Jun 7
th, 2016 at 7:59am:
My oh my, what a thin skin you have. A safe room seems very appropriate if you regard that as personal abuse.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not hurt or offended by what you said - as far as personal abuse goes, it is at a fairly low level. I was just calling you out for the troll that you are. You say that you want a discussion, but you ignore what people say about the topic and instead indulge in name calling and puerile comments about the person rather than have any sort of discussion about what they say.
I also get the impression that you seem to think that I am a committed Socialist of the old school. While that might have been the case 40+ years ago, my political stance these days is much closer to the centre than to the left.
bogarde73 wrote on Jun 7
th, 2016 at 7:59am:
One wonders what shock & horror you'd feel if I showed you a picture of Rhodes.
I have no idea what you’re on about - Cecil Rhodes, a Greek island, a Sydney suburb?
bogarde73 wrote on Jun 7
th, 2016 at 7:59am:
As for the thread title, it obviously didn't occur to you that it was meant to convey "what is the world going to do". You must have very literal thinking.
That did occur to me as a possibility but you should really learn to word your posts a bit better than you do, so that forum members know what you mean rather than having to guess.
bogarde73 wrote on Jun 7
th, 2016 at 7:59am:
Obviously it is already or very near to a failed state. Another case of failed socialist experiments needing a bailout from the free enterprise world.
I said in my last post that Venezuela was a “basket case basket case, and nothing short of a complete change of government can save it”. Did it occur to you that I might actually agree with some of what you said?