mothra wrote on Jun 2
nd, 2016 at 7:59pm:
cods wrote on Jun 2
nd, 2016 at 7:46pm:
Aussie wrote on Jun 2
nd, 2016 at 7:43pm:
Quote:well zoos are something like that...
No, cods Zoos are nothing like that. They are places which invite people and toddlers (who pay ~ and that also increases the level of duty of care ~ do a google on 'tort invitee for reward') to come and gawk at captive animals, including those we are not meant to shake hands with. They must make sure the gawkers cannot get into danger, especially toddler kids who can move away from a parent very quickly as you have very well explained and clearly understood.
How was it physically possible for this toddler to do what he did? The obvious answer is ~ he did.....ergo, the Zoo was grossly negligent in failing to prevent it.
how was it physically possible for my friends daughter to climb over a twenty foot high side gate....but she did.
you obviously have not brought up children.. you must have left it entirely to your poor wife..
how many kids in the burns ward??????????????alone..

more accidents happen in the home than anywhere else.. when it comes to children..
Cods you seem to be agreeing that young children are easily led into misadventure.
Within seconds, yes?
So a business catering for small children should not have any reasonable hazards in their environment.
There was a hole in a fence big enough for a child to get through that separates danger from safety. No business should be allowed to do that. have you seen the hole??? I havent seen that mothra... all I know is the child FELL into a looked quite a long way down to me...someone said 5 metres..but that could have been one of the experts on here.. everyone seems to know so much about this particular Zoo..
yet no one saw what happened... if they did they certainly didnt do anything to prevent the child from crawling through a hole in a fence....
I would imagine the court will have pictures of the hole
and degree of difficulty for a child to reach and get through it..
doesnt it seem odd to anyone that no one saw what this child was doing or where he was going all alone????>..the mother from what I gather didnt miss him until he was seen at the bottom of the pit..
did it only take him 2 or 3 seconds to get from his mums side through a hole into a moat???......

at that rate it sounds a massive hole...he had no trouble finding it..