aquascoot wrote on Jun 1
st, 2016 at 4:11pm:
Herb , it is nearly impossible to run an abbatoir in the kimberley or the gulf.
Yet if it was a mine it would be no problem
aquascoot wrote on Jun 1
st, 2016 at 4:11pm:
Where would you get the tradespeople , refridgeration mechanics, hyraulics engineers,
Where do they get mechanics, cooks etc for the places like Karratha?
aquascoot wrote on Jun 1
st, 2016 at 4:11pm:
how are you going to store the meat frozen and transport this to overseas countries which may not even have a cold chain in place.
This is the biggest lie of the Industry. Those citizens with no refrigeration do not eat Australian cattle, they still exist on their traditional diets based mainly on rice,vegetables & a very small amount of protein usually chicken or fish.
Those that eat Australian beef are the city based, western wannabe's, plenty of cold train there.
aquascoot wrote on Jun 1
st, 2016 at 4:11pm:
Cattle really arent worth enough to transport long distances for slaughter in australia.
What else do you consider unworthy.
Pathetic attitude from someone who likes to lecture us on animal husbandry.