I watched all the collection of Parkinson interviews tonight, and now I remember why I lost interest in Ali. When he was Clay, he was already self made champ, a bit mouthy in a vain way, but I found it amusing. When he changed name and beliefs, he seemed more mouthy than ever, angry, humiliating, I felt a different opinion at that point. Then somehow, later in his life, he mellowed, and got parkinsons, then I felt more tolerant of him. But mainly, was always aware if him and how he was doing. He really was very quick and energetically cheeky and confidently in the boxing ring. But I just read in this thread he had 9 kids to 5 wives?! Now I wonder, is that why he changed religion! And yet, did he still fool around behind the wives backs? It brings me to a conclusion, same as what that great golfer Tiger Woods did, had a wife & kids, and about 11 mistress's. Where am I going with this? The more f... buddies...the better at sport? Geez I wonder now!