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I often see this sort of nonsense from the apologists: freediver wrote on Jun 1 st, 2016 at 6:00pm: Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1 st, 2016 at 2:01pm: Mistress Nicole wrote on May 31 st, 2016 at 7:11pm: Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on May 31 st, 2016 at 3:13pm: Brian Ross wrote on May 31 st, 2016 at 2:43pm: Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on May 30 th, 2016 at 1:46pm: polite_gandalf wrote on May 30 th, 2016 at 1:27pm: "integration" - as opposed to "assimilation" works fine misty.
The old assimilation model was rightly discarded because it doesn't work. It tells migrants they must completely drop their way of life and become clones of the dominant culture. Its a fantasy - you simply can't rip the culture out of someone and expect them to seamlessly fit wholly into a foreign one - even when they are attracted so much by it that they want to move to a country that has it. You either restrict your immigration program to countries of the same culture (tried that, and we ran out), or have a whole generation of migrants living a lie and feeling disillusioned. Integration says that immigrants can be productive and make a positive contribution to society while they retain their culture. In fact, it goes further and says that multiculturalism enhances society - since a population of happy people being comfortable to 'be themselves', and not someone else, makes for a healthier society. Integration only works if the populations of the imported cultures remain small, very small. Once they reach a certain level they will then push their ideas/practices onto others. Voting blocks form, infiltration into the public service and universities occur, and then it's game over if it isn't countered before too long. Why are you so fearful of change? Ever consider that Immigrants and their ideas infuse our culture with new views on how to do things? Today, Australian culture is stronger, not weaker, because of the influx of immigrants. It depends on the values, morals and traditions of those immigrants. Highly religious, conservative, nationalist immigrants don't mix well. It's hilarious that "progressives" like you think you have a connection with them. Exactly, Culture Warrior. The West's evil white male, held responsible for so much that is wrong in society by the progressive left, pales in comparison to how your "highly religious, conservative, nationalist immigrants" will treat women, gays, and people who don't march in lockstep to their viewpoints on, well, pretty much anything. Yet we have managed to absorb and integrate previous immigrants with those tendancies and taught their children (for the most part) the error of their parents' viewpoints, Nicole. I find it interesting that you appear to either never understood or experienced the previous waves of conservative immigrants. I also find it interesting that you feel that Muslims are somehow different in some way generally. It's as if they are your new group de jour la hatred... What happened to the Asians, the Italians, the Jugoslavs, the Greeks, the Irish, the Scots, the Welsh, and so on and so on? Forgotten them in your rush to hate a new group? Quote:Now Brian, The Fourth Estate is on his way. I know, it's... Boring. Same old, same old. You never learn it seems, Nicole. You are equating a religion with a race Brian. Asia is where a person comes from. Islam is what a person believes. Are you honestly suggesting there is no difference?The problems with Islam are not merely 'du jour' Islam has been undermining the societies it dominates for 1400 years. Brian responded to my question by spending 4 pages feigning confusion about what I was asking, and insisting I need to quote him before he could possibly answer the question, starting with this: Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1 st, 2016 at 10:31pm: freediver wrote on Jun 1 st, 2016 at 6:00pm: You are equating a religion with a race Brian. Asia is where a person comes from. Islam is what a person believes. Are you honestly suggesting there is no difference? Where am I doing that? You do realise that I am quoting an article quoting Hanson, FD? Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3 rd, 2016 at 7:25pm: freediver wrote on Jun 3 rd, 2016 at 5:53pm: Lets try again then. You are equating a religion with a race Brian. Asia is where a person comes from. Islam is what a person believes. Are you honestly suggesting there is no difference? Where have I done that, FD? You appear unable to differentiate between what I have said and what a quote I have quoted has said. Why? Is it convenient to erect this silly strawmen arguments? Brian Ross wrote on Jun 3 rd, 2016 at 7:35pm: freediver wrote on Jun 3 rd, 2016 at 7:28pm: Quote:Where have I done that, FD? See the first time I asked the question Brian. I quoted you. For some reason you left out that quote and pretended you didn't know what I was talking about. You spew the same BS on a regular basis. Provide a reference or better yet, quote the post (in it's entirety) where I supposedly said that, FD.