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Caning in Aceh increasing (Read 2535 times)
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Caning in Aceh increasing
Jun 6th, 2016 at 8:10am
Cool stuff, Islam.

The ABC travelled to the town of Jantho in Aceh to attend a public caning and witnessed the corporal punishment of six gamblers, as well as that of
an 18-year-old woman who was convicted of being alone in her own room with her boyfriend.

This is classed as "adultery" in Aceh and is illegal under sharia law.
Kiranti looks down
Photo: Kiranti, 18, was convicted of being alone in her own room with her boyfriend. (ABC News: Adam Harvey)

The young woman, Kiranti, was forced to kneel on a stage in front of a large crowd to receive nine strokes of the cane from a hooded man known as Algojo — the "executioner".'s-...
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On the Ning Nang Nong
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and the monkeys all say BOO!
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #1 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 11:45am
I might have mentioned Islam once or twice but I think I got away with it.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #2 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 3:35pm
Poor girl.

I've had 8-of-the-best from a strong man wielding a long rattan, but this must have been a lot worse.

She'll know next time not to put herself in moral danger.

She's lucky she didn't actually sleep with this guy, otherwise it might have been stoning to death she received.

All good stuff, of course, otherwise gandalf wouldn't have made a conscious choice to register for membership with this religion.

I'm sure if we only knew what gandalf knows about Islam - we would ALL sign up for it just as he did.

It's only our ignorance that is keeping us dithering on the side-lines .... 
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2016 at 7:57pm by Lord Herbert »  
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #3 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 5:20pm
Once you understand the qur'an is written in code it gets a lot easier --------apparently.

There are a lot of pros, your cousin is there for the taking, no matter what happens it's never your fault, if you ring the suicide hotline all the mussie operator asks is "can you drive a truck or van"?

Thieving, lying, raping, pedophilia, torture and mass murder are the buzz words for the top echelon of the faithful.

If a gang of muslims rape a girl well that's o.k. allah will forgive the girl.

There's equality of the sexes, men sit down to pee.

You only have to remember one solitary thing: its got nuffin to do wiv islam.

bacha bazi? Absolutely so long as he hasn't grown a beard yet, because we can throw you off a building.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #4 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 5:45pm
gee wizz - if they had sharia law in Australia 99% of all women would get the cane.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #5 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 5:49pm
I've been waiting for the usuals to say how this has nothing to do with Islam. I guess it does.
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On the Ning Nang Nong
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #6 - Jun 6th, 2016 at 6:28pm
When the whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing tainted Malaysia's reputation as the go-to example for apologists, they fell back on Indonesia as a demonstration that Islam can co-exist with modern civilisation.

The spread of Islam west across North Africa and into Spain, as well as east to Pakistan, closely reflects the 'faith ratchet' presented here. Islam did however spread much further east, and today there are large numbers of Muslims in places like Indonesia and Malaysia. This eastern spread lacks the initial military conquest and 'top down' imposition of Islam that makes the current Western extent of Islam match the original Caliphate so closely. The more recent spread into Southeast Asia may be partly due to a clash of cultures in which Muslims from the west had more advanced technologies - similar to European conquest of the new world, but on a much smaller scale due to the less significant cultural differences. Islam has a much shorter history in the east than it does in the territory captured by the first Caliphate.

The spread of Islam without political imposition is not without doctrinal precedent. Muhammed's early career shows his effective promotion of Islam from a very weak political position. During this time Muhammed preached what could (very loosely) be described as pacifism and tolerance. Modern (and historical) Muslims that find themselves as small minorities tend to present this face of Islam. It was not until Muhammed gained unchecked power that the 'rape and pillage' aspects of Islam were revealed. There is clear doctrinal guidance for interpreting the apparent contradiction: the later, more violent aspects 'abrogate' (ie, replace) the earlier more tolerant aspects. Although the illusion of pacifism is shattered by terrorist attacks in the west, modern Muslims spreading Islam in the west employ many of the strategies used in Muhammed's early career, as did those who spread Islam east from Pakistan. Modern Muslims for example manage to claim victimhood status in the west despite the high death toll from their co-religionists.

Aceh province in Indonesia is a good example of this process. Aceh was the first place that Muslims settled in South East Asia. Although modern Aceh is associated with violent Islamic separatist movements and one of the most traditional and conservative Islamic societies, it was originally settled by Sufi Muslims. Sufism is the 'inner, mystical dimension' of Islam. Sufis are generally regarded as more peaceful and tolerant - almost the 'Hare Krishna' version of Islam (with some notable exceptions It is ironic then that today, Sufis in Aceh face the dual threat of bans on their schools (and the basis of blasphemy) and terrorist attacks
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #7 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:06pm
freediver wrote on Jun 6th, 2016 at 6:28pm:
When the whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing tainted Malaysia's reputation as the go-to example for apologists, they fell back on Indonesia as a demonstration that Islam can co-exist with modern civilisation..

No, FD, I think you'll find the apologists moved onto Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, because it did what you've been demanding for years and had erections.

The whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing is largely of your own making. It is not a current political issue in Malaysia, if it ever was. Malaysians are typically more concerned with corruption at the highest levels, especially in the office of Prime Minister. They see their rulers skimming from the collective pot, and they want to see this properly distributed.

I.e, they want to see what you call "inclusion".
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #8 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:51pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:06pm:
I.e, they want to see what you call "inclusion"

Nonsense. They want to lop people's heads off and/or stone them to death.

And FD has the survey to prove it.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #9 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:59pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:06pm:
No, FD, I think you'll find the apologists moved onto Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, because it did what you've been demanding for years and had erections.

The whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing is largely of your own making. It is not a current political issue in Malaysia, if it ever was. Malaysians are typically more concerned with corruption at the highest levels, especially in the office of Prime Minister. They see their rulers skimming from the collective pot, and they want to see this properly distributed.

1. Obviously they only want erections to rush through all the death for apostasy, death for infidel laws thats been kept on the backburner all this time

2. Its only a political non-issue now because the righteous non-muslim Malaysians are gallantly holding the barbarians at bay

3. "properly distributed" is obviously code for providing funding for death for apostasy and operation: kill all the infidels. Or we can settle for stealing off, or otherwise abusing/exploiting all the righteous non-muslim Malaysians - since we know muslims can never create wealth by themselves.

4. In the end, we blame Islam.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #10 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 2:37pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:51pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 7th, 2016 at 1:06pm:
I.e, they want to see what you call "inclusion"

Nonsense. They want to lop people's heads off and/or stone them to death.

And FD has the survey to prove it.

Ah yes - as long as we only reference the bit on cute and cuddly Malaysia.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #11 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 3:50pm
And we provide Foreign Aid to these people? Of course they all qualify as refugees from oppression, so maybe its best we shut up about it.
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No political allegiance. No philosophy. No religion.
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #12 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 3:55pm
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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #13 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 7:11pm
Gandalf, do you see Aceh as an example likely to be followed by other Muslim communities that are currently a bit more open minded?

The whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing is largely of your own making.

So it is my 'invention' that the majority of Malaysian Muslims support the death penalty for apostasy?

It is not a current political issue in Malaysia, if it ever was.

Was it a political issue when the federal government was forced to intervene after a state government actually passed it into law?

Malaysians are typically more concerned with corruption at the highest levels, especially in the office of Prime Minister. They see their rulers skimming from the collective pot, and they want to see this properly distributed.

Nice deflection Karnal, but it doesn't change any of the facts does it?

I.e, they want to see what you call "inclusion".

Is this why they have government run brainwashing camps for apostates?

Nonsense. They want to lop people's heads off and/or stone them to death.
And FD has the survey to prove it.

Yes I do. Thanks Gandalf.

Obviously they only want erections to rush through all the death for apostasy, death for infidel laws thats been kept on the backburner all this time

It wasn't kept on the backburner. It was passed into law.

Its only a political non-issue now because the righteous non-muslim Malaysians are gallantly holding the barbarians at bay


In the end, we blame Islam.

Is there any other reason why the majority of Malaysian Muslims want the death penalty for apostasy?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: Caning in Aceh increasing
Reply #14 - Jun 7th, 2016 at 8:11pm
Is there any reason you can’t post any current evidence that they do?
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