Gandalf, do you see Aceh as an example likely to be followed by other Muslim communities that are currently a bit more open minded?
Quote:The whole "death penalty for apostasy" thing is largely of your own making.
So it is my 'invention' that the majority of Malaysian Muslims support the death penalty for apostasy?
Quote:It is not a current political issue in Malaysia, if it ever was.
Was it a political issue when the federal government was forced to intervene after a state government actually passed it into law?
Quote:Malaysians are typically more concerned with corruption at the highest levels, especially in the office of Prime Minister. They see their rulers skimming from the collective pot, and they want to see this properly distributed.
Nice deflection Karnal, but it doesn't change any of the facts does it?
Quote:I.e, they want to see what you call "inclusion".
Is this why they have government run brainwashing camps for apostates?
Quote:Nonsense. They want to lop people's heads off and/or stone them to death.
And FD has the survey to prove it.
Yes I do. Thanks Gandalf.
Quote:Obviously they only want erections to rush through all the death for apostasy, death for infidel laws thats been kept on the backburner all this time
It wasn't kept on the backburner. It was passed into law.
Quote:Its only a political non-issue now because the righteous non-muslim Malaysians are gallantly holding the barbarians at bay
Quote:In the end, we blame Islam.
Is there any other reason why the majority of Malaysian Muslims want the death penalty for apostasy?