John Smith wrote on Jun 20
th, 2016 at 11:07pm:
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jun 20
th, 2016 at 9:26pm:
And I think thats the key issuevoter, no ones really suggesting ban all guns but surely reasonable limitations are fine. Keep your handguns but get rid of more powerful stuff and have stroing background checks and enforce them
you're kidding? they can't even accept a one hour waiting period without crying about the 2nd amendment ... they have no idea what reasonable is
But why should we believe that tougher gun laws will prevent further acts of Islamic terrorism on U.S. soil? Besides guns, Muslim terrorists have already used or prepared to use pressure cookers, box cutters, shoe bombs (unsuccessfully) and pipe bombs (stockpiled in San Bernardino).
Obama and his fellow lefties love to talk tough about guns ... because it takes attention away from the fact that he's done a lousy job of protecting the homeland against Islamic terrorism.
Remember the attacks at Fort Hood and Chattanooga? Did you know that military personnel stationed there were not permitted to carry sidearms for their own defense? That's right -- the current White House wanted those military properties to be "gun-free zones."
And former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney has just alleged in a new book (“See Something Say Nothing”) that under Obama, files pertaining to the investigation of Islamic terrorist suspects were deliberately deleted in the name of “civil rights and civil liberties." Haney even believes that one of his pending investigations might have disrupted the Orlando massacre before it ever started.
In any case, let's talk about the words Obama refuses to say -- "radical Islamic terrorism" -- before we waste time thinking we can get 5 million AR-15s off the streets.