Marla wrote on Jun 13
th, 2016 at 6:21am:
innocentbystander. wrote on Jun 13
th, 2016 at 1:16am:
This may as well be an election advert for Donald Trump.
Do you ever shut the bugger up?
america would seem to be stuck in lower consciousness.
a country addicted to big macs, obesity and reality tv is stuck in a durrrr state.
the people in a durrrr state like simple truths.
they dont have the mental capacity to try to understand a nuanced truth.
when they hear a muslim from afghanistan pledging allegiance to ISIS has done this , that is the simple truth they will go with.
The "mob" will get out the pitchforks and rally behind the cause and whilst it may not make luvvies vote for trump it will motivate a lot of Durrrr state fatties to "get out to vote" and you are living in a fantasy world if you dont think this is going to get trump a lot of votes.
this is, of course, exactly what ISIS want.
they thrive on hatred and it feeds their ego (remember ego is fed by anything that distinguishes between us and them).
how would it go if they shot the queen on her 90th birthday.
Do you think the "mob" would listen to the likes of mothra , gweg and marla.
You dont understand much about the Durrrr state (mainly because you live in the leftard durrr state and cannot understand a nuanced truth yourself )