Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Jun 13
th, 2016 at 11:12pm:
Lefties must be very confused now. There's three lefty token groups involved: gays, Muslims, and Latinos. Which will take priority by getting major 'victim' status by the left? Watch this sh*t unfold, as it's going to be fascinating watching lefties juggle their 'victim' groups.
Or they might do what the Feminists did when confronted with the issue of Muslim women living in the West whose status among their community is that of the chattel, the subordinate, the baby-machine, and the servant to the menfolk ~~ to wit -disappear overnight, never again to be seen squirming on a hard-hitting, no bullshit, television interview or discussion show.
The arch-feminist Germaine Greer now lives with a dog for company somewhere in the English countryside.
They've all gone to ground at the prospect of having to condemn any group of people other than that of First World, white, heterosexual, Christian males.