Lord Herbert wrote on Jun 14
th, 2016 at 6:42pm:
issuevoter wrote on Jun 14
th, 2016 at 5:08pm:
I have never seen a bar sign here, or in the USA that read, "We only sell beers to queers."
So called gay bars always have some straight customers, family, friends, and dorky rednecks who go in for a look.
'Horsey rednecks' like Aquascoot - not that he's a redneck of course.
its not surprising that many dwellers of large cities and people who inhabit the stimulation of the internet, the fast food industry, the television set become "lost" in terms of their sexual compass.
narture has a very calming effect on people and lets them get back in touch with "who they are"
City folk tend to be in contact with only "what they can get"
And what they want is stimulation
from red bull to the explosion of coffee shops to the super explosion of porn to sugary foods and spicey pizza and ever more rediculous block buster movies....they are addicted to these things to temporarily break out of this durrrrr state.
i bet a lot of them even play on their phones on public transport rather then strike up a conversation with a fellow commuter.
this inability to "know yourself at your core: especially if you are a man, makes you very unattractive to women.
in fact women are disgusted by men who are not "on their purpose in life" and that purpose has to be about more then getting stimulated.
hence men (city men) are extremely unattractive to women , especially if they have swallowed the group think beta male narrative.
why do you think "the farmer wants a wife" had 1000's of women gushing to join and was a top rating show.
its the mardi gras and stimulation at a low level for many city men.
This is not the way of the superior man