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My Heart beats True for the Red White & Blue...
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AiA wrote on Jun 19 th, 2016 at 4:12am: Marla wrote on Jun 19 th, 2016 at 3:44am: Obviously, the F,B.I. has not been to Chicago recently.
Death by gun in good ol' capitalist Yankee America is now on the level as many people as car crashes. Death by gun in good ol' capitalist Yankee America is exponentially greater than in all other advanced industrialized countries.
In good ol' capitalist Yankee America the death rate from gun homicides is about 31 per million people per year.
In capitalist Deutschland, that figure is two per million; in capitalist Limeyland, only one and in capitalist Sushiland the likelihood of dying from a gunshot wound is roughly the same as any fat capitalist American's chance of being killed by lightning: one in 10 million.
Welcome to the New World Order. Yes, yes, we know all that but the homicide rate has been falling for decades. Are you familiar with the two economists behind "Freakomomics?" They have a theory as to why the homicide rate has been falling: abortion became decriminalized and the number of unwanted children who would have grown up to commit murders and other violent crimes simply were never born. For those that think Gun Deaths in America are all bad guys shootin' good, innocent people......think again.
Quote:There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Of those, around 60% are suicides. About 3% are accidental deaths (between 700-800 deaths). About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths and are classified as homicides.
Sometimes the 32,000 and 11,000 figures are used interchangeably by gun control advocates.
Clearly, the 32,000 figure is a far more dramatic number and it is often used for impact by anti-gun activists........
If you take all deaths, from all causes in America, & then figure what percentage of those were gun related homicides it paints a slightly (well more than slightly, but why embellish) different picture than the gun-grabbing left want you to see & read about.
According to the United Nations, 2,473,018 people died in the United States in 2008.
That comes to 6,775 per day.
Of those 2,473,018 deaths from all causes 12,200 were gun related homicides, or 0.0049332435105608% (less than 1/2 of 1% of all deaths)
According to the CDC ... Center for Disease Control, in the U.S.A. 2,596,993 people died from all causes in 2013.
That comes to 7,115 per day.
Of those 10,700 were gun related homicides, or 0.0041201497270112% (again, less than 1/2 of 1% of all deaths)
The percentage of gun related homicides in America has been steadily dropping too, as noted, to a 51 year low. That's a good thing.