mothra wrote on Jun 24
th, 2016 at 6:01pm:
GordyL wrote on Jun 24
th, 2016 at 5:52pm:
mothra wrote on Jun 24
th, 2016 at 5:39pm:
Im struggling to see Gordy's point.
So some unsavoury people were at a protest and Waleed didn't tell them off for it.
The whole protest was arranged and attended by the worst of the Islamist community in Sydney. Wally thought it a good idea to get ahead of things and defend them. Now seriously I don't think he supports terrorists but he was way too quick to defend all things Islam, and this is one of those ones he should have unreservedly condemned with no excuses. The Muslims I know did
Did you actually read the article, Gordy?
And when Waleed wrote it, how was he to know any of the "worst of the worst" was present?
We're not going to agree on this but here's my thoughts.
He's saying they're acting out because they're humiliated.
The Muslims I know who are indeed a very secular bunch think anyone who feels humiliated for the attention being aimed at ISLAMISTS actually DESERVE to be humiliated.
Mothra, you mentioned you were previously catholic. Do you take ownership or feel humiliated for Pell's actions and fall from grace? You shouldn't, unless you defend him.
You think I hate Muslims. In fact I don't. I hate Islamists and hope you do too.
Another point we'll disagree on, I think Islam is just the mother-lode of bad ideas, and is a perfect incubator for Islamisim and Jihadisim.
For some balance, I've never actually done anything in the real world to protest about the scary moozlims.
I was however active in my local school about ensuring ethics classes were available when the school chaplaincy program was introduced.
I also wrote 2 letters to my local member, our current PM complaining about the program.
But Gordy, the attention isn't just being heaped upon Islamists, it's dread over the whole of Islam. Look at this forum. You yourself routinely refer to Muslims.
Not Islamists. Muslims.
And I don't hate anyone. I hate ideas a D actions, not people.
As for my ownership over the actions of Cardinal Pell, I don't see how me being a Catholic when I was a kid confers me with any responsibility . I didn't feel obliged to comment. Isn't it interesting how we demand Muslim people apologise for all of their bad eggs? If they're not vocal enough, we get ever so cross with them.
And interesting about the school chaplaincy thing. I fought it tooth and nail too.