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13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW (Read 8047 times)
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #75 - Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:12pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:07pm:
ian wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:59am:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 26th, 2016 at 11:36pm:

Really?  How?  'Cause the offenders kept misidentifying themselves as being something other than what the authorities believed they were?    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

thats a stupid claim.

Is it?

How do you think the authorities identified an offender's "ethnicity", Ian?

Does this man look like an "Asian"?

Or is he of Russian extraction?

Afterall, his name is Ian Goodenough MHR...   Roll Eyes
Ethnicity is most often self identified Brian. You seem to be missing the point here.
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #76 - Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:13pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:07pm:
Does this man look like an "Asian"?

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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #77 - Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:59pm
This guy used a gun to rob and rape an escort.

I would say he was unlicensed with an unregistered gun
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #78 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 12:57pm
re Yadda

There is another fallacy.  Rules and religious scriptures were created by men, changed over time by men at their convenience.  But in its very basic essence, its about power over others.    The most important point is that act of harm against another.  It does not matter if it sanctioned or not, its the wickedness of the human mind that lead to evil acts. 

For example, if today, Australia suddenly sanctioned killing of people.  I will not be part of it.   And yet other people would kill for some very stupid reasons. 
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Brian Ross
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #79 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 1:33pm
ian wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:12pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:07pm:
ian wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:59am:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 26th, 2016 at 11:36pm:

Really?  How?  'Cause the offenders kept misidentifying themselves as being something other than what the authorities believed they were?    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

thats a stupid claim.

Is it?

How do you think the authorities identified an offender's "ethnicity", Ian?

Does this man look like an "Asian"?

Or is he of Russian extraction?

Afterall, his name is Ian Goodenough MHR...   Roll Eyes
Ethnicity is most often self identified Brian. You seem to be missing the point here.

But you are missing the point, Ian Goodenough (for example) has family roots in Russia yet physically he resembles an Asian.   Which is he?  Russian or Asian?

Many years ago, I knew a soldier in the Australian Army who also looked "Asian".  His family was Yugoslav in origin.   Which is he?  Asian or Yugoslav?

"Ethnicity" is an often far more complex matter than most bigots allow for, in their bigotry.   People identify with where their family emigrated from, rather than what ever ethnic group they belong to.   The recently departed Bert Kwouk, an English actor has his last role in "Last of the Summer Wine" where he placed a Scotsman from Glasgow, despite being Chinese in appearance.   Which would his character have been identified as?  Scots or Chinese?

It all depends on how the person perceives themselves, Ian, far more than how the Authorities might perceive them.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Brian Ross
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #80 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 1:35pm
Neferti wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:13pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 27th, 2016 at 7:07pm:
Does this man look like an "Asian"?


So, despite identifying himself as Russian and having been born in Australia and growing up here, you would identify him as an "ASIAN", Neferti...    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #81 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 2:36pm
tickleandrose wrote on Jun 28th, 2016 at 12:57pm:
re Yadda

There is another fallacy.

Rules and religious scriptures were created by men,

changed over time by men at their convenience.


That is not what moslem men, living within an ISLAMIC culture or living within an ISLAMIC community believe.  !!!!!!

And it is clear that many moslems [even those moslems who live among us, here, within Australia] are prepared to act on their beliefs, to the harm of those who do not find favour in the law and tenets of of ISLAM.

Many moslems [even many of those moslems who live among us, here, within Australia] BELIEVE that they have the lawful right [given to them, by their religion] to harm those persons who are not moslems, and who offend them [i.e. moslems], because they see their un-ISLAMIC lifestyle as a slight against ISLAM !

i.e. To the harm of those who reject ISLAM's divine right, to lawfully regulate the lives of all persons!

as per.....

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11


tickleandrose wrote on Jun 28th, 2016 at 12:57pm:

But in its very basic essence, its about power over others.

The most important point is that act of harm against another.

It does not matter if it sanctioned or not,

its the wickedness of the human mind that lead to evil acts. 


You are speaking utter, utter RUBBISH!!!

Of course it matters, if a particular behaviour is sanctioned or not, within a society of men!

Some behaviours, which are NOT sanctioned within a society of men, are regarded as capital crimes!

So, it does 'matter' !


If you honestly believe that;

"It does not matter if it [certain behaviour is] sanctioned or not"

....then take a knife in hand, and walk down Main Street in any capital city in Australia, and start stabbing the people that you come across!!

And you will soon find out whether that particular behaviour is sanctioned, and whether it matters or not!   !!!


So your assertion that;

"It does not matter if [certain behaviour is] sanctioned or not"
,, imo, the product of a confused and incoherent mind,
......i.e. your statement/assertion offends reason!

incoherent = = incomprehensible or confusing in speech or writing.   internally inconsistent; illogical.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #82 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 3:03pm
Yadda wrote on Jun 28th, 2016 at 2:36pm:

Many moslems [even many of those moslems who live among us, here, within Australia]

BELIEVE that they have the lawful right [given to them, by their religion] to harm those persons who are not moslems, and who offend them [i.e. moslems],

because they see their un-ISLAMIC lifestyle as a slight against ISLAM !


The former Mufti of Australia, Mr Hilali,        .....publicly stated that women who wore Western clothing 'were asking for it' [i'm paraphrasing!], i.e. were asking to get raped!

And it would not be unreasonable to believe that,         ......that statement coming from a moslem community 'dignitary' here in Australia,            ......could have been interpreted by many moslem men [here in Australia], that hey!, if you rape an Australian women, then you [i.e. the moslem man] could not, or should not, be considered to be at fault.   !!!!!!

Because, Mr Hilali was effectively stating, PUBLICLY!!, that the fault and the complicity,          .....for being raped by a moslem man, would be the fault of Australian women,            .....because those Australian women did not dress according to the cultural expectations of moslem men.       !!!!


What about personal accountability, for our behaviour !!!?

The common moslem argument is, that if their behaviour is not in conflict is ISLAMIC law and with ISLAMIC cultural tenets,         .....then the moslem has done nothing wrong!! per, what ISLAMIC culture and ISLAMIC law, teaches to every moslem.


Every moslem in Australia [and indeed, every moslem on the planet], by self declaring as a moslem, is self declaring a criminal intent [by our laws] against local non-moslems.

ISLAM is a criminal compact among moslems, to wage a violent 'religious' war against non-moslems ['disbelievers'].

.....Basically, fundamentally, all ISLAMIC doctrine translates as enmity, and encourages [criminal] violence, towards ALL non-moslems.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #83 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 3:15pm
Re Yadda

Once again, you just proved what i said before.   Religious scriptures are man made, and had been used to control the population.   People do evil things not because of the scripture itself.  But, its a) what others - again men told them to do, and b) they want to do it - again men. 

Even in a hypothetical world, where there is no Islam.  Then those same people will find another excuse to do the exact same. 

A book is a book, its there, but a book or scripture can not kill anyone.   Its those of who read it, and then using it as justification to commit evil.  The ultimate fault lies with the reader.   Yes, you can ban the ideology of Islam, but even if you succeed in doing it, what are you going to do about the other ideologies that surely will come after it?  Can you ban every other ideology you deemed evil?  When will the cycle stop?
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #84 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 3:42pm

My response to post #83

paraphrasing tickleandrose......

There is a lot of wrongdoing in the world, and even when we learn and understand, that a 'popular' religious philosophy promotes wrongdoing, we shouldn't seek to proscribe that philosophy, because, hey, there is so much wrongdoing in the world everyday anyway!!

And perhaps we should simply prosecute individuals, who would commit wrongdoing.

But to try to proscribe a 'popular' religious philosophy which promotes wrongdoing, in an effort to prevent serious wrongdoing, would be going to far!!!

/sarc off

That, is the response to ISLAM, that you are advocating, tickleandrose.

Here below, is the character, of the influence, which ISLAM has [i.e. which ISLAM MUST have], upon the psyche of the moslem.

------------ >


"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them."
Koran 3.28

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1


tickleandroses' reaction/response to moslem violence, supporting ISLAMIC supremacism and oppression is, imo ;

Don't worry about it.

We can't do anything about it.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #85 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 6:24pm
re yadda:

Please do you take things to the extreme, its a defeatist mentality.

No, I am not advocating you to stop because there are so much wrongdoings in the world.  What I am saying is that you are going about it the wrong way I believe.   

There are indeed alot of wrongdoings in the world, those wrong doers tend believe it different things.   If for some miracle, you can bring down Islam, what about others?  You then need to look at what really makes people to do wrong things.

And it is my belief that it lies deep inside each people's mind and heart.   Some of these people may be so blinded by the lies they see, they may even come to believe it is the right thing or the only thing to do.   It's time we change that.   And as good people of the world, it is up to us to do good in our part in response to the evils.  To set an example and to show others that there is good in the world.

Very much like what Jesus had said.  If someone slaps your face, show him the other cheek!  If the terrorists wanted us to fight between Christians and Muslims, we do the exact opposite.   It is the most difficult thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.   Jesus also said, love thy enemy.

If you spend your life instead trying to destroy or hold on to the sword, then you will forever be tormented by your own thoughts and die by the sword.  Spread a message of love, do as much good deeds as you can, put down your own indifference, and come to the light.
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #86 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 9:16pm
The only punishment for pedophiles.

Find a man hung like John Holmes.

Tie down the child rapist.

Let the guy have his way with said pedophile, at least 5 times a day for a year for every year the child is under age.

If he starts to enjoy it, bring on a horse and tie the rapist to an exercise horse and start again.
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #87 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 10:41pm
Valkie wrote on Jun 28th, 2016 at 9:16pm:
The only punishment for pedophiles.

Find a man hung like John Holmes.

Tie down the child rapist.

Let the guy have his way with said pedophile, at least 5 times a day for a year for every year the child is under age.

If he starts to enjoy it, bring on a horse and tie the rapist to an exercise horse and start again.

Are you volunteering?
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“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” Bob Dylan
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #88 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 10:46pm
tickleandrose wrote on Jun 28th, 2016 at 6:24pm:
re yadda:

Please do you take things to the extreme, its a defeatist mentality.

No, I am not advocating you to stop because there are so much wrongdoings in the world.  What I am saying is that you are going about it the wrong way I believe.   

There are indeed alot of wrongdoings in the world, those wrong doers tend believe it different things.   If for some miracle, you can bring down Islam, what about others?  You then need to look at what really makes people to do wrong things.

And it is my belief that it lies deep inside each people's mind and heart.   Some of these people may be so blinded by the lies they see, they may even come to believe it is the right thing or the only thing to do.   It's time we change that.   And as good people of the world, it is up to us to do good in our part in response to the evils.  To set an example and to show others that there is good in the world.

Very much like what Jesus had said.  If someone slaps your face, show him the other cheek!  If the terrorists wanted us to fight between Christians and Muslims, we do the exact opposite.   It is the most difficult thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.   Jesus also said, love thy enemy.

If you spend your life instead trying to destroy or hold on to the sword, then you will forever be tormented by your own thoughts and die by the sword.  Spread a message of love, do as much good deeds as you can, put down your own indifference, and come to the light.


Thank you for your reasoned reply.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: 13 year old abducted raped in Sydney SW
Reply #89 - Jun 28th, 2016 at 10:49pm
This one too freediver.  It is about NSW.
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