Washington (CNN)The U.S. Supreme Court just smashed open a political hornet's nest.
The court's deadlocked ruling Thursday that effectively blocks Barack Obama's controversial executive actions on immigration, sent convulsions through the 2016 election campaign, dealt a shattering blow to the President's legacy and suddenly left four million undocumented people fearing deportation.
The eight justices ensured that a campaign that has already been consumed by divisive rhetoric on immigration will likely become even more fraught, and made the already bitter fight over the destiny of the court will even more intense, with the next President poised to make appointments that could shift its ideological balance for decades.
All three branches of the U.S. government -- the executive, the legislature and the judiciary -- have now taken up the polarizing issue of immigration reform, and failed to solve it. Now, it's back to the voters to deliver a verdict on programs designed by Obama to offer work permits and other benefits to 4 million people who had hoped to move out of the shadows into the center of American life........
.......Immigration may not decide the election, but the issue is so emotive that it exerts a powerful influence of base voters in both parties. And since the election could turn on which candidate can motivate the highest number of committed partisans to go to the polls, immigration will play a crucial role.
The ruling provides a rallying point for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who has vowed to go even further than Obama on executive action and is using the issue to cultivate crucial Hispanic general election voters. And it plays directly into the hands of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump, who has centered his campaign on illegal immigration, a plan to deport undocumented migrants and a proposal to build a wall on the Mexican border.....
continued If you think the rhetoric has been bombastic to date, just wait......you ain't seen nothin' yet!
And in traditional CNN Style, they want the general American Public & American Hispanics to believe that the SCOTUS outcome was only about Mexicans....like the wall, though on the Mexican Border, it's about ALL Illegal Immigration that traditionally enter through that extremely porous border