Mortdooley wrote on Jul 1
st, 2016 at 10:46pm:
Actually hordes of Yankees have been immigrating here since the beginning.
Beginning of
what, morty torty? The Neolithic age? And for bugger's sake quit referring to others as "Yankees" when you're not the south. The only reason Texuus ever involved itself in the Civil War was not to fight for secession as it did to make money off slavery.
Mortdooley wrote on Jul 1
st, 2016 at 10:46pm:
They heavily Tax and Unionize their home states and then move jobs and businesses here to keep more of what they earn and live in bigger houses. Colorado and your governor Hickenlooper even sent us Mag-Pul.
Who is this
they, morty torty? And if what you say is true (which it is not) then why is Texuus so dependent upon government handouts? Why does Texas remain in the bottom 10 state in poor education, economic and living standards?
Mortdooley wrote on Jul 1
st, 2016 at 10:46pm:
Yankees are like Hemorrhoids,
*Sigh* Again, morty torty, Texuss is not the south. Revisionist bullshit if there ever was. That shithole state of your is more Yankee than any Union solider who fought and died to free it so you and your lazy ilk can get fat and blame Obama for EVERYTHING. Even your revisionist Alamo was nothing but a war of racism.
Mortdooley wrote on Jul 1
st, 2016 at 10:46pm:
the ones that come down and go back up aren't so bad.
Some sort of subconscious homosexual reference, morty torty?
Mortdooley wrote on Jul 1
st, 2016 at 10:46pm:
The ones that come down and stay down are a real pain in the ass. Please don't come down.
Morty torty, I've been to Texuss. There is nothing to see, do, or experience there other than stupid fat people feeding McDonalds to their even fatter children. And you're highly annoying "Y'alls" only demonstrates to me the lack of intelligence that runs rampant throughout that gawd-forsaken place.
For bugger's sake, why hasn't Texuss seceded already? No one, and I mean no one will miss you.