polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 10:03pm:
Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't engage Herb, but I simply couldn't let this pass...
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 8:21pm:
Why would she assume that by identifying these three as refugees it would cause a million newcomer refugees to Germany to all be thought rapists?
...right before...
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 8:21pm:
the sexual delinquency and feral behaviour of a great many of these young men is well-earned and is a cultural staple that they themselves celebrate under the title of 'Taharrush Jamai'.
Does that deserve a rolly eyes? hmmm bugger it, I think it does...
At the time of her rape the news services had already established very correctly in the public mind that these recent newcomers from the Middle East via Turkey were a sexual-assault hazard to the womenfolk, not only in Germany, but in every other country they had arrived at.
Her reporting these three as Arabs would have added absolutely nothing to the fact that due to the sheer overwhelming number of incidents being reported, the police, the media, and the government had by now abandoned their attempts to deceive the public as to the truth that a criminal rampage had arrived with these Middle Eastern Muslims.
Railway stations, town centres, public swimming pools, shopping malls had by now all been thoroughly identified as places where the presence of these newcomers had caused upset-and-alarm due to a pandemic of sexual assaults.
For this childlike apologist rape-girl to now believe that by keeping quiet as to the identity of these Arabs it would assist in deceiving the public - was a case of the horse having long since bolted.
The fact that she thought to hide their identities is clear evidence that she already knew the reputation was well-deserved, and not from rumour, but from factual reporting, and so it could be said that she was knowingly and with aforethought committing 'perjury under oath' to promote the lie that this flood of newcomers posed no threat to the womenfolk of Germany.
Public announcements had already been advising girls living in areas where accommodation had been provided for these refugees - to dress modestly in a way that wouldn't prompt these Arabs to go on a sexual rampage due to their cultural proclivities.
Look for escape clauses with as big a magnifying glass as you can find, gandalf, but the fact remains that this silly creature with her school-girl moral pretensions thought to prioritise the fictionalising of the identity of her assailants in the cause of promoting the lie that these Muslim newcomers were no more to be feared as potential rapists than anyone else.