mothra wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 11:25pm:
Mistress Nicole wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 11:18pm:
Hi Mothra,
I don't know a lot about shock, but I know a bit about trauma. The victim has certainly suffered trauma, which, if it causes ptsd can cause blackouts of the event, and tangled up memories, usually just snatches of the event.
But I think it's a long stretch to suggest the trauma would cause the victim to initially think her attackers were German, and then change your mind 12 hours later.
I have enjoyed your spirited defence here, btw.
Hiya Nicole,
I don't think the trans or shock compelled her to lie to the police, I mean only to represent that she wasn't, owing to being in shock, thinking clearly .
As evidenced by her amendments 12hrs later.
Good morning Mothra and Nicole, not all people that suffer traumatic events suffer shock. And then even sufferers of minor events can go into shock, being rear ended in a car for eg. It's roots are psychological but the manifestation are physical. Everyone has a different level of "shock" tolerance.
I don't want this to sound like I am diminishing rape. I'm not.
To say every rape victim is also in shock is to say every rear ended driver is in shock. It's just not so.
Hell, I'll even go out on a limb and say I think it depends how precious a person is. One person I was involved with after a rear ender, not a participant, a woman, got out of the car and thought she was lucky to be alive, she was almost killed, she went into shock.