polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 7:49pm:
So she doesn't want all refugees to be vilified because of this crime,
Why would she assume that by identifying these three as refugees it would cause a million newcomer refugees to Germany to all be thought rapists?
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 7:49pm:
Thats a very honourable concern to have - for someone whose just been raped and for whom it would be far easier to simply hop on the bigot bandwagon in vilifying them.
Help me out here, gandalf, I'm still confused about this.
How would it be vilifying a million newcomer refugees if she were to identify these three as her assailants?
What it seems like to me is that she herself is well aware that the recent flood of Muslims claiming refugee status are so prone to sexual abuse of the locals that they have to be sat down like small children in special classes all over Europe and Scandinavia to be informed that sexual assault is not part of the local culture.
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 7:49pm:
And it is an unreasonable and unfair logical leap to conclude from this that she therefore thinks rape is unimportant ...
No, what we can conclude from her attitude is that she herself is in denial that the sexual delinquency and feral behaviour of a great many of these young men is well-earned and is a cultural staple that they themselves celebrate under the title of 'Taharrush Jamai'.
You really ought to have that little pan-and-brush you carry around with you, titanium-plated against rust and wear.