polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 7:03pm:
4thEstate, the daily express directly contradicts the Daily Mail - who to believe? I must say the express doesn't fill me with confidence - after the reporter firstly opines that the attackers were speaking either Kurdish or Farsi, then a few sentences later asserting that the men were "Arabic in appearance"
Gee, I don't know, Gandalf ... perhaps my faith in the Daily Mail was colored by those hard-hitting stories down the right side of the page, including, "Heidi Klum lets her blonde locks run wild as she steps out in floral ensemble and snakeskin bag in NYC."
The4thEstate wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 6:50pm:
It was her boyfriend who persuaded her to come clean, not simply an attack of conscience.
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 7:03pm:
jeez you don't give much credit. Do you not think its possible that she was "persuaded" to come clean - by "an attack of conscience"?
What I said was that her decision to come clean wasn't "simply" an attack of conscience, at least according to media reports. If you prefer the Daily Mail's version: "She said a friend talked her into going back to the police with the real story." So it's not as if she was sitting around in her home and, solely on her own, decided to come forward.
And in answer to your question, anything's possible -- but I see no reason to give her any special credit based on speculation. Show me a report that says she set the record straight for altruistic reasons and perhaps I'll alter my stance.
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 7
th, 2016 at 7:03pm:
Presumably she was free to ignore her boyfriend's advise- unless you are suggesting she was somehow coerced against her will (though there is no evidence of this)?
The Daily Mail (if you prefer that newspaper) says she returned to the police 12 hours later. That's a far cry from being honest from the start, and it gave her attackers plenty of time to abuse other women in the meantime.
I'm sorry, but that's simply irresponsible -- especially since it's not as if she feared she would be risking her life by telling the truth. Nope, it was just a matter of putting her leftist cause above the safety of other women.