The4thEstate wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 4:20pm:
but he's not going to be in office long enough to pull off any of those grandiose plans. The moving van will arrive in January.
AiA wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 7:11pm:
nutjobs like you have been saying Obama is going to pull off his "grandiose plans" any day now.
Easy there, dude. Deep, healing breaths.
Blood pressure back to normal now? Good.
Now let's go over this again. I never claimed that Obama himself had any "grandiose plans" he was waiting to impose. What I said was that he wouldn't be in office long enough to pull off "those grandiose plans" -- mentioned by Honky -- much as he might enjoy such things.
Good grief, it was only a half-serious remark to begin with. Try to keep things in perspective.
AiA wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 7:11pm:
have you ever considered there never were any such plans? that he had his birth certificate all along? and you have wasted almost an entire decade of your miserable life?
My life's fine, thanks. If yours is miserable, you'll have to work that out with your own counselor on your own time.
Have a blessed day!