Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 3:56pm:
GLII wrote on Jul 8
th, 2016 at 3:52pm:
Terrorism with a twist of revenge, but at the end of the day, murder.
Alarming. The states is moving towards a race war. It's been brewing for a long time.
Yeah .. this seems to be the way the US is proceeding. They've had Civil War.. now I think RACE Riots and internecine conflict is inevitable. RACE WAR.
AND it is an act of TERRORISM. For Obama to say it isn't is a worry. It would seem to suggest only Islam is responsible for terrorism, and we all know that's not the case.
The acts of the sniper (singular) in Dallas are no surprise really. More to come ..obviously.

The footage of those white policemen, shooting to death those two non-threatening black men in separate cases was horrific, and really really begs the question.. where to from here.?
Those cops, well at least one of them, the shooter who killed that man in his car in front of his wife and child, sounded hysteric, terrified.... how can people like this be given so much power over life and death?????? . IT STINKS.. this is just one example , and I despair for the people of America. MY GOD who'd be black in the great US of A, if they had a choice.!!
Sadly recent footage of police brutalising the public (altho not actually killing them) has come out of the Gold Coast.
There must be a better way for police to interact with people than savagery.