Lisa Jones wrote on Jul 10
th, 2016 at 8:11pm:
Kiron22 wrote on Jul 10
th, 2016 at 7:57pm:
I mean, I can't believe these idiots complain about "Mediscare" which is basically fact, while they completely ignore
- Carbon tax will destroy the country
- Refugees are stealing our jobs and are dole bludgers
- FTTP NBN will cost 97 billion dollars
- Labors war on home investors
- Labors war on business
- Wind turbines cause "WTS"
- Labor lied about a "Carbon Tax" (only if you quote mine Gillard to cut off the rest of the sentence and ignore the Carbon Tax isn't even a tax but was the ETS with a fixed price period, ASKED FOR BY BUSINESS)
Or how about here in Canberra
- "Vote Liberals and put Labor last if you want to see Light Rail Scrapped" when in reality, the Liberal party support light rail and Tony Abbott funded it and held it up as a pet project.
Oh isn't it just bloody awful living in Australia.
Here's a tip. Why don't you move to a communist country post haste? Given your posts on OzPol to date, you'll blend in quite well within a communist regime.
Why don't you move to the US?
Or Lolbertarian ancap wasteland Honduras where everything is privatized and private police murder poor people on the streets to make way for rich american republicans and company towns still exist?
Also why do I care about this stuff? Because a strong economy and strong social services means a higher standard of living for most people. It is completely unfair that there are families out there working several jobs, 70 hour weeks and barely can afford to feed their kids, while people born into wealth use nepotism and fall straight into positions of power of Business, think tanks or Politics and get to dictate to the rest of us on what is "fair".
The Liberal party does not represent the Australian public, the Nationals outright disdain farmers. Both are the arm of FIRE and mining and will do anything to sabotage any threat to those interests. This is not going to make a strong Australia that can give a good life to everybody.
The Liberal years are always years of stagnation in the economy and country. We have seen little diversification in Australias economy under the Libs and they actively poo on infrastructure that could make Australia attractive to entrepreneurs.
I do not believe, and the economic modelling backs my views, that the Liberals are good for Australia on a economic level. They just aren't, the party of vested landed interests, that is all.
Labor are crap as well, but at least Labor have some visionary policies and don't hold the public in outright disdain like the Libs.
Greens are far better than both on a economic level (and Ken Henry's modelling backs this up), but at the same time, I can't stand their gun grabber policies. Bleh.
Despite all that, Labor and The Greens trounce the Liberals, it's not even a contest, really if Australian elections were based on policy, it would easily be Labor vs Greens.
Unlike you I love living in Australia.
Unlike you, I'm not sitting around in numerous topics on a Sunday night, complaining about how bad things are here in Australia.
Unlike you, I'm not a Communist.
Unlike you, I voted Liberal and the Liberals won.
Unlike you, I'm not interested in your anachronistic communist-driven drivel.