Grappler Deep State Feller
Gold Member
Australian Politics
Posts: 85068
Always was always will be HOME
Why should Shorten admit defeat when Malcolm hasn't won a victory? Is there a defeat without a victory now? Mal struggled in by forming an alliance with the very people his party vilified - 'a vote for a Indepedent is a vote for Labor' - what a hoot that a vote for an Independent is now a vote for LNP... yet not a word is spoken.....
Shorten admitting defeat shows that he has no firm grip on the simple realities of politics as they function in this country, and he,and his Party simply don't have the balls to stand up and call a spade a spade...
The LNP lost as much as Labor lost - according to the Australian People, who, none of them, asked their chosen Independents and minors to support the LNP.
So Turnbull should be admitting defeat and start eating some crow, along with his big-mouthed cronies, and start working FOR the Australian people instead of against them.
Bill may not have the balls, nor his Party of feminist running dogs, to call it as it is - but I do.
Now bring on the Party of the Third Way for the next election... I see this election not as a disaster for the Australian people, but as a golden opportunity to get something going for US, and not THEM. And before you start - it was not I who declared it US and Them - it was the major parties..... unfortunately the way things are going it will become EITHER us or them who survive.... and, people, it will not be me or mine who go under to cater to the failures of these political lackeys of special interest groups.