Grendel wrote on Jul 12
th, 2016 at 10:39am:
It will lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of dogs.
10's of thousands of dogs were dying anyway, at least these will be the LAST 10.000
Grendel wrote on Jul 12
th, 2016 at 10:39am:
It will ruin the lives of many people.
Anyone who makes a living out of systemic suffering & cruelty get no sympathy from me, as far as I'm concerned throw the f#$kers in goal as well.
Grendel wrote on Jul 12
th, 2016 at 10:39am:
It will take away entertainment and social value in many peoples lives
See above but replace living with entertainment
Grendel wrote on Jul 12
th, 2016 at 10:39am:
cost the government a great deal of money and regular revenue.
Really?? you think dishlicker punters will just stop punting??? no move to horses,trots,footy or the mirrade of other gambling choices.
The fact is everyone knew what was going on and as with everything, When good people stay silent bad things happen.
The good trainers & owners stayed silent & allowed the thugs to get away with deplorable behaviour, so now you all pay the price.
Suck Sh!T, now onto live exports.
Wassup Smithy intolerant of another point of view? Rude and abusive because progs cant tolerate dissent.
I'm looking at a win/win... you are looking at hurting people and animals...
Personally I don't own one, I don't race one, I don't bet.... so its no skin off my nose... the fact you think killing thousands of animals another way is a good thing says what about you? Killing is killing bozo.