sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 14
th, 2016 at 6:35pm:
Oooh I see the regressive leftist has gotten a little worked up because now the spelling queen is out in full force!!
You mispelt it. Just as many people misuse/mispell other words. Is English a second language for yourself?
Quote:I have no problems with a Muslim person having a dialogue with me about the problems in western society, that's what living in a free and open society is all about (something you fail to understand I see). The difference is that I also won't straight away start yelling "westernphobic" because someone dares question the ideas behind western society. And that's the whole issue - the moment I criticise the ideas of Islam the regressive left, like you, forget the foundations of free society and straight away start calling me an Islamaphobe or telling me I have no right as I'm not Muslim. So I don't actually believe that you agree with universal human righs, or at the very least you fail to comprehend what that actually means.
I call you an "Islamophobe" because you are continually questioning something from a position of ignorance and dare I suggest prejudice? It's not an immediate response from me, I like to explore where a person stands on the issue before I identify they are being Islamophobic.
Would you though, accept someone from a completely different culture/religion/society questioning your private belief system? Not the basis of Western culture or anything like but rather what you personally believe in and talk about? Particularly when they do it from a position of ignorance and prejudice? One only has to look at the American posters in this forum to see what I'm talking about. They attack the very idea that Australia is a free, sovereign nation simply because it doesn't have a RKBA.
Quote:With regard to the bad parts of Islam being only amongst the backwards I disagree. I don't paint any individual Muslim with the backwards brush without understanding their opinions first. But the actual bad ideas of Islam are spread across Islamic states, so it isn't a few backwards people, and the pain of these bad ideas is inflicted on hundreds of millions.
Well, you've gone from the individual to the national level in one, broad, sweeping move there so perhaps its no wonder you have your ideas all mixed up.
Perhaps you need to differentiate between what the individual may or may not believe - in Australia, under Australian conditions versus what another individual may or may not believe in an Islamic society?
Quote:At the very least, if you agree these ideas are backwards then you shouldn't be excusing them, because what you're fundamentally doing is allowing for them to inflict pain on people who don't even agree with the ideas.
It is a great deal more complex than that at a national level. Have a look at what is going to happen around the national plebiscite being planned about the recognition of Indigenous prior occupation of the Australian continent in the Constitution. You'll see some very ugly words spoken by some very racist people. Does that mean we should ignore what they say and believe?
Quote:The point is that it's not about how many Muslims believe these bad ideas (although stats reveal concerning figures), but rather that these bad ideas are being used to impose fascist regimes and no one seems to want to talk about it because 1) we don't want to impose and 2) we might offend when being critical of a bad idea. Just like you have throughout this dialogue, instead of confronting the bad ideas of Islam, which are fundamentally undemocratic, you seek to excuse them away with the Old Testament or some Other lame excuse that competely ignores the realities of today.
Well, I'm sorry but you keep using a label which has nothing do with Islam or Islamic regimes. Fascism has a specific meaning and is primarily concerned with European politics. So, lets just stop calling them "Facists", OK?
Then in some cases the regime was imposed on them and is maintained by American armed might and really doesn't have much to do with Islam. Just have a look at Egypt or Saudi Arabia, to see what I mean. In some, like Iran, they chose an Islamic regime. They had a revolution and overthrew the Shah, who had been imposed on them by American and British interests in their nation. Since then, the Ayatollahs have gone perhaps further than was necessary and the people have fought back, in a low-level manner. However, generally the people prefer to chose their own form of government over having one imposed on them from outside.
Quote:As for your last bit about basically standing back and not saying a word, please tell me when pacifism against fascism or dictatorships has ever worked?
Who said anything about "not saying a word". I have continually made the point that berating and demanding something from someone rarely works. Asking them, often does. You however appear not to understand the difference. I wonder why?