Grendel wrote on Jul 13
th, 2016 at 12:28pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Jul 13
th, 2016 at 12:16pm:
Saw this the other day, might pay to watch then reconsider blanket statements like "Muslim Countries" & Islamophobia. It would not exist if we sheeted home the problems to those that deserve the blame rather than an easy scapegoat.[/url]
We know Muslim countries have problems... the video just points out that different Muslim countries have different problems. We know that... what do they have in common?
So why don't we refer to them as countries rather than religion.
We do... but you forget they are not secular states... most Christian countries are... Islam is not just a Religion... you forget that too.
FGM as referred to in the video, is a christian country problem(or more to the point an African problem) yet in reporting we here it's Muslim countries,
well lets see then eh, not just accept blindly what Aslan says... most of us know its cultural and ethnic in fact but then culture is also Islam...
not only is this factually incorrect but even if they did report it correctly you can bet it would be described as an Eritrean or African problem NOT a CHRISTIAN Country problem.
Stop bashing a religion & sheet home the blame to those that deserve it.
Mostly it is... are you saying Islamic State is not Islamic?
Or better yet BAN ALL RELIGIONS, then no one would have an excuse.
That is truly a rubbish statement.