Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore, who rarely has anything positive to say about Republicans, predicted Wednesday that Donald Trump would win the presidency.
“I’m sorry I have to kind of be the buzz kill here so early on, but I think Trump is going to win,” Mr. Moore said on a special edition of “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
Mr. Moore said the Republican National Convention speeches blasting Democrat Hillary Clinton may have sounded “crazy to us, but to millions and millions of Americans, this was music to their ears.”
“One of the things I’ve been concerned about this week is that we’re all sitting [in] what as you refer to as the bubble, we’ve been sitting in our bubble having a good laugh at what you call this total sh— show, but the truth is this plays to a lot of people he has to win to become the next president,” Mr. Moore told Mr. Maher.
A Michigan native, Mr. Moore pointed out that more people voted Republican in this year’s Michigan primary than Democrat. “That should be disturbing to everyone,” said Mr. Moore, a liberal provocateur and director of documentary-style films such as “Roger and Me” and “Fahrenheit 9/11.”
He said there could be a “Brexit” by four large manufacturing states — Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — that would give Mr. Trump the 64 electoral votes that Republican Mitt Romney lost by in 2012.