Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21
st, 2016 at 11:08am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Jul 21
st, 2016 at 11:02am:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jul 21
st, 2016 at 10:32am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 21
st, 2016 at 10:23am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Jul 21
st, 2016 at 8:12am:
Mistress Nicole wrote on Jul 16
th, 2016 at 8:27am:
Apologies if this has already been posted, but I can't see it anywhere and given that I think Trump will be the next US President, his views are important.
No, he's not going to be the next President.
See into the future?
You don't have to.
And certainly not on this issue.
It's too bloody obvious.
It's a 2 horse race from a country who have a bunch of people who don't vote. If these people decide to vote for Trump this could be very interesting. The climate is right for Trump in regards to Islamic terrorism and Black Lives Matter. Plus the Clinton's are seen as liars. Any other time I wouldn't give Trump a chance but the "times" are on his side. I believe it will be close.
Ok. I agree to some extent.
Even so, the man is not Presidential material.
He will not listen to anyone. Everyone MUST listen to him. That in itself ought to be enough of a warning for us all. History is littered with examples of leaders who had this trait and who ultimately caused utter chaos and havoc for their country and indeed the world.
Ok, so now let's move onto Trump's ridiculous promises.
Heard any of them? They're absolutely over the top and ridiculous....just like he is. It's all about HIM HIM HIM.
Another thing that really gets to me is the subliminal messages he sends.
Example : Notice how he wears black, red and white when he conducts his rallies?
Bloody hell. Americans can't be this stupid.