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Nothing like a rusted on old warrior (Read 1231 times)
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Jul 16th, 2016 at 12:40pm
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense for both President George W. Bush and President Gerald Ford, endorsed presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News ahead of the GOP convention here next week.
“It seems to me it is,” Rumsfeld said when asked if it is a clear choice in November between Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Rumsfeld, who has previously indicated he would support Trump for president but went even further in this interview, explained his logic next. He started out by detailing the choices that people who are voting have in November:

I’m what, 84 years old, I’ve been through a lot of presidential elections and votes,” Rumsfeld told Breitbart News in the phone interview, for which he called in from New Mexico. “I’ve never voted for anyone I agreed with 100 percent and in every presidential election you look at it and you’ve got several choices. You can not vote, which is kind of a cop out and if you believe in democracy you’ve kind of got a responsibility to vote. You could vote for a third party and knowing that that person is going to lose, and knowing that you don’t know who you’re going to hurt or help by voting for a third party so I think that’s an unfortunate choice. And then you’re dealing with two major political parties and with 320 some million people in our country you’re going to be inevitably voting for someone you don’t agree with 100 percent of the time. Again, I’ve never agreed with any presidential nominee in either party 100 percent of the time. So it’s silly I think to think you’re going to find that kind of agreement.

So then you look at the two choices—and as I look at Mrs. Clinton, I find her unacceptable as a presidential prospect. She is clearly corrupt. She is clearly on the wrong side of every major threat we face. She would represent another four years of the Obama administration. Can you imagine President Obama went to the Coast Guard Academy and said that the major threat facing the young graduates at the Coast Guard Academy was global warming? That’s breathtaking. I think of that and I’ve spoken to the Academies over the years and what an unfortunate thing to tell those people. It’s a different kind of a problem. In any event, I don’t think we can afford another four or eight years of what we’ve been doing.

On Trump, however, Rumsfeld noted he does disagree with the billionaire real estate developer on some things—particularly Trump’s viewpoints on the war in Iraq—but that their agreements far outweigh their disagreements. He said he clearly supports Trump for president and hopes that he wins the election in November. He went on to say:

Now, do I agree with Mr. Trump—I’ve never met him—do I disagree with him on some things? Sure. I think his comment that President Bush lied about Iraq was so factually wrong, having watched him go up to the Congress and the Democrats supporting him and Colin Powell going to the UN—Colin Powell didn’t lie. He went out and made the case to the world, we shared intelligence with other countries and there was broad agreement. For Mr. Trump to say that was wrong. Now, do I agree with him on other issues of substance and tone? Sure. But my goodness, when you put on a scale the qualifying aspects of Mrs. Clinton and the disagreements—which I expect to disagree with any presidential candidate—on the Trump side, it isn’t even a tough call for me who I would support. I support Trump, and am hopeful that he prevails. I think would be a shame [if Hillary Clinton wins].

Rumsfeld, later in the interview, doubled down on his support for Trump and offered advice to those Republicans who are still holding out against backing him:
The stakes are enormous. The choices are you can not vote, which as I say if you believe in Democracy is clearly the wrong choice, you can vote for a third party and known you’re going to lose which is kind of like not voting but it’s worse because you end up helping or hurting somebody when you don’t even know who it’s going to be—it’s like three quarters billiards and the balls are going to bounce around and you’re going to be surprised and affect things in a way that is adverse to your interests, or one of the two of them [Trump or Clinton]. And anyone who expects to agree 100 percent—I mean, look, everyone has a right to vote however they want. It’s a secret ballot and they can do what they want. A lot of the people who have spoken out against Mr. Trump are friends of mine, people I’ve worked with, people I respect—and it’s their perfect right to do that. For me, it’s not complicated. I put on a scale ‘who do I agree with most,’ ‘who do I disagree with most,’ and ‘who do I think would be the most damaging to our country’ and there’s no question that four more years of the Obama-Clinton approach to government—and the corruption we’ve seen—and the kinds of people who would be put in government or on the Supreme Court make it not a close call for me, despite any differences I may
have with Mr Trump
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #1 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 12:54pm
Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense

Isn't this the Guy who told the world that IRAQ had WMD's he was giving us irrefutable proof ?

Is his opinion on anything worth zero or maybe less than that ?

The man who justified an illegal invasion based on evidence that he never had ?

Possible the biggest wrong opinion of the century ?

What dope would listen to his opinion on anything, I would not blindly accept his view on cheese brands.
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #2 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #3 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 3:56pm
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm:
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.

Besides, Rumfeld's irrefutable proof was the piles of dead Iraqi's killed by the gas Saddam Hussein unleashed in HALABJA, killing over 5,000 Kurds, & verified by U.N. investigators among others.

Only an idiot would believe that following such an overwhelming success, he would have destroyed his entire stockpile, & made no more, because the US told him not to, & demanded he destroy every drop he had!  Riiiiiiight.  ...

HALABJA, Iraq -- First came the blast of the bombs dropped from the jets, followed by a smell of apples. Then the birds the family kept caged in the yard dropped dead. Minutes later, human beings began to die, too.

This is how Minira Abdul Qader remembers the events of March 16, 1988, in Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Iran. She was 10, and a witness to the largest chemical-weapons attack on civilians in history.

The civilians happened to be Kurds, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s enemies. He had ordered his forces to drop gas on the city, then inhabited by 45,000 Kurds.

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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2016 at 4:11pm by Panther »  

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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #4 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 4:40pm
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm:
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.

I don't have a lot of time for any of those words in particular ?
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #5 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 4:46pm
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 3:56pm:
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm:
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.

Besides, Rumfeld's irrefutable proof was the piles of dead Iraqi's killed by the gas Saddam Hussein unleashed in HALABJA, killing over 5,000 Kurds, & verified by U.N. investigators among others.

Only an idiot would believe that following such an overwhelming success, he would have destroyed his entire stockpile, & made no more, because the US told him not to, & demanded he destroy every drop he had!  Riiiiiiight.

HALABJA, Iraq -- First came the blast of the bombs dropped from the jets, followed by a smell of apples. Then the birds the family kept caged in the yard dropped dead. Minutes later, human beings began to die, too.

This is how Minira Abdul Qader remembers the events of March 16, 1988, in Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Iran. She was 10, and a witness to the largest chemical-weapons attack on civilians in history.

The civilians happened to be Kurds, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s enemies. He had ordered his forces to drop gas on the city, then inhabited by 45,000 Kurds.

Well Penrith guy this claim only shows your lack of knowledge, first of all Donald never made that association and had he it would also have been incorrect. As horrible as that was the fact is that it was around 10 years earlier - well and truly difficult to believe it had relevance at the time of the illegal Iraq invasion.

Also well and truly worth knowing that the chemical weapons used at that time would have past their use by date, they had expired and were no threat to anyone.

Making silly incorrect emotive claims does not change the facts as stated. Dumsfeld made a dope of himself on the world stage.

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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #6 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 5:05pm
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 4:46pm:
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 3:56pm:
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm:
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.

Besides, Rumfeld's irrefutable proof was the piles of dead Iraqi's killed by the gas Saddam Hussein unleashed in HALABJA, killing over 5,000 Kurds, & verified by U.N. investigators among others.

Only an idiot would believe that following such an overwhelming success, he would have destroyed his entire stockpile, & made no more, because the US told him not to, & demanded he destroy every drop he had!  Riiiiiiight.

HALABJA, Iraq -- First came the blast of the bombs dropped from the jets, followed by a smell of apples. Then the birds the family kept caged in the yard dropped dead. Minutes later, human beings began to die, too.

This is how Minira Abdul Qader remembers the events of March 16, 1988, in Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Iran. She was 10, and a witness to the largest chemical-weapons attack on civilians in history.

The civilians happened to be Kurds, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s enemies. He had ordered his forces to drop gas on the city, then inhabited by 45,000 Kurds.

Well Penrith guy this claim only shows your lack of knowledge, first of all Donald never made that association and had he it would also have been incorrect. As horrible as that was the fact is that it was around 10 years earlier - well and truly difficult to believe it had relevance at the time of the illegal Iraq invasion.

Also well and truly worth knowing that the chemical weapons used at that time would have past their use by date, they had expired and were no threat to anyone.

Making silly incorrect emotive claims does not change the facts as stated. Dumsfeld made a dope of himself on the world stage.

Well Wilcannia girl, the death of Saddam Hussein, disgracefully hung like the common thug he will always be remembered as, & until Obama's & Clinton's (Hillary) ill-advised accelerated withdrawal of American troops, Iraq was well on its way to becoming a better place for it's people.

Clinton's insistence, with others, for that withdrawal helped give birth to ISIS who filled the premature void.

Regardless of whatever tunes the left uses to bastardize history, the results within 5-8 years after the invasion was worth the cost, all in the name of a free Iraq.

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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2016 at 5:31pm by Panther »  

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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #7 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 7:39pm
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 5:05pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 4:46pm:
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 3:56pm:
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 2:14pm:
But DNA, let's be honest, you wouldn't listen to anybody that didn't use the words "progressive" "gay/lesbian" "socialism" & "global warming' all within the same sentence.

Besides, Rumfeld's irrefutable proof was the piles of dead Iraqi's killed by the gas Saddam Hussein unleashed in HALABJA, killing over 5,000 Kurds, & verified by U.N. investigators among others.

Only an idiot would believe that following such an overwhelming success, he would have destroyed his entire stockpile, & made no more, because the US told him not to, & demanded he destroy every drop he had!  Riiiiiiight.

HALABJA, Iraq -- First came the blast of the bombs dropped from the jets, followed by a smell of apples. Then the birds the family kept caged in the yard dropped dead. Minutes later, human beings began to die, too.

This is how Minira Abdul Qader remembers the events of March 16, 1988, in Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Iran. She was 10, and a witness to the largest chemical-weapons attack on civilians in history.

The civilians happened to be Kurds, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s enemies. He had ordered his forces to drop gas on the city, then inhabited by 45,000 Kurds.

Well Penrith guy this claim only shows your lack of knowledge, first of all Donald never made that association and had he it would also have been incorrect. As horrible as that was the fact is that it was around 10 years earlier - well and truly difficult to believe it had relevance at the time of the illegal Iraq invasion.

Also well and truly worth knowing that the chemical weapons used at that time would have past their use by date, they had expired and were no threat to anyone.

Making silly incorrect emotive claims does not change the facts as stated. Dumsfeld made a dope of himself on the world stage.

Well Wilcannia girl, the death of Saddam Hussein, disgracefully hung like the common thug he will always be remembered as, & until Obama's & Clinton's (Hillary) ill-advised accelerated withdrawal of American troops, Iraq was well on its way to becoming a better place for it's people.

Clinton's insistence, with others, for that withdrawal helped give birth to ISIS who filled the premature void.

Regardless of whatever tunes the left uses to bastardize history, the results within 5-8 years after the invasion was worth the cost, all in the name of a free Iraq.

Clinton's insistence, with others, for that withdrawal helped give birth to ISIS

The US withdrawal started in 2007 under Bush.

Obama wasn't even in power till about 16 years after the war.

But I notice you took a quick side step abandoning you original errors in order to make some new incorrect claims.
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #8 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 10:22pm
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 7:39pm:
The US withdrawal started in 2007 under Bush.

Obama wasn't even in power till about 16 years after the war.


What part of your ass did you pull that "16 years after the war" phoney factoid from????? 

The war started in 2003.

➤  The withdrawal started with a trickle in early 2007 thru early 2009 under Bush, with less than 40,000 troops gradually & systematically removed from the battlefield before Obama took control.

➤  The Iraqi War started with the Invasion of Iraq, which took place March–April 2003......Obama took office in January 2009.

➤  Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State January 21, 2009 & served until February 1, 2013. She was Obama's chief adviser regarding troop withdrawals & other Iraqi matters prior to 2012. 

Obama come into power only 5 years 8 months after the war began.

➤  When Obama took office there were about 140,000+ troops in Iraq.

➤  Obama withdrew 100,000 or more troops between March 2009 & September 2011.

I suggest you recheck your homework before your start clickin' yer heals & shootin' yer mouth off laddie.   ...   ...

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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2016 at 10:42pm by Panther »  

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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #9 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 11:22pm
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 10:22pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 7:39pm:
The US withdrawal started in 2007 under Bush.

Obama wasn't even in power till about 16 years after the war.

What part of your ass did you pull that "16 years after the war" phoney factoid from????? 

The war started in 2003.

➤  The withdrawal started with a trickle in early 2007 thru early 2009 under Bush, with less than 40,000 troops gradually & systematically removed from the battlefield before Obama took control.

➤  The Iraqi War started with the Invasion of Iraq, which took place March–April 2003......Obama took office in January 2009.

➤  Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State January 21, 2009 & served until February 1, 2013. She was Obama's chief adviser regarding troop withdrawals & other Iraqi matters prior to 2012. 

Obama come into power only 5 years 8 months after the war began.

➤  When Obama took office there were about 140,000+ troops in Iraq.

➤  Obama withdrew 100,000 or more troops between March 2009 & September 2011.

I suggest you recheck your homework before your start clickin' yer heals & shootin' yer mouth off laddie.

I can admit when I am wrong, don't know why I was thinking 93. However you still seem to be deficient in facts.

Blaming Obama for ISIS is just Lunacy in comparison to the war mongers who destabilised the region and are widely accepted to hold a significant responsibility. People like John the rodent Howard, cowboy George Bush and Donald Duck Dumbsfeld hold a significantly greater responsibility.

Maintaining the invasion force in Iraq for longer was not going to change anything.
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #10 - Jul 16th, 2016 at 11:54pm
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 11:22pm:
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 10:22pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 7:39pm:
The US withdrawal started in 2007 under Bush.

Obama wasn't even in power till about 16 years after the war.

What part of your ass did you pull that "16 years after the war" phoney factoid from????? 

The war started in 2003.

➤  The withdrawal started with a trickle in early 2007 thru early 2009 under Bush, with less than 40,000 troops gradually & systematically removed from the battlefield before Obama took control.

➤  The Iraqi War started with the Invasion of Iraq, which took place March–April 2003......Obama took office in January 2009.

➤  Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State January 21, 2009 & served until February 1, 2013. She was Obama's chief adviser regarding troop withdrawals & other Iraqi matters prior to 2012. 

Obama come into power only 5 years 8 months after the war began.

➤  When Obama took office there were about 140,000+ troops in Iraq.

➤  Obama withdrew 100,000 or more troops between March 2009 & September 2011.

I suggest you recheck your homework before your start clickin' yer heals & shootin' yer mouth off laddie.

I can admit when I am wrong, don't know why I was thinking 93. However you still seem to be deficient in facts.

Blaming Obama for ISIS is just Lunacy in comparison to the war mongers who destabilised the region and are widely accepted to hold a significant responsibility. People like John the rodent Howard, cowboy George Bush and Donald Duck Dumbsfeld hold a significantly greater responsibility.

Maintaining the invasion force in Iraq for longer was not going to change anything.

I gladly accept your flag, as you crawl mumbling away in defeat.
Begone serpent, & bear false witness no more!
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #11 - Jul 17th, 2016 at 8:10am
While I might agree with DR's method of voting, his blanket condemnation of the Obama administration is self-serving to say the least. DR was one of the people who had great influence on Dubya's decisions. They were a team who went about the job of clouding the identity of the culprits of WTC 1993, USS Cole attack, Nairobi attack, and 911. They said it was Al Q, but they tried to pin the planning and organisation on Saddam, which was bloody lie.

But Saddam was convenient, because he could be defeated militarily, which would make the Bush administration look like they were doing something about the problem of Islamic fanatical violence. Newt Gingrich agrees with this view of the events and he's no left winger.

So when DR talks about how bad the Obama administration was, he is really defending the Invasion of Iraq which Obama and co have been trying to extricate the US from, which is the right thing to do.

Its all about the Bush family's connection with the Sauds. The so called Saudi "royal family" cannot survive without the Wah-habs, and the Wah-habs are the most furventl anti -Western religious nuts in Arabia. They spawned Osama Bin ladin.

Oh yes, and who was going to get a big slice of the Iragi oil business once Saddam was out of the way?

The west needs to get out of the Middle East and let them rot in their holy superstition, ignorance and tribalism.
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Re: Nothing like a rusted on old warrior
Reply #12 - Jul 17th, 2016 at 8:18am
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 11:54pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 11:22pm:
Panther wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 10:22pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jul 16th, 2016 at 7:39pm:
The US withdrawal started in 2007 under Bush.

Obama wasn't even in power till about 16 years after the war.

What part of your ass did you pull that "16 years after the war" phoney factoid from????? 

The war started in 2003.

➤  The withdrawal started with a trickle in early 2007 thru early 2009 under Bush, with less than 40,000 troops gradually & systematically removed from the battlefield before Obama took control.

➤  The Iraqi War started with the Invasion of Iraq, which took place March–April 2003......Obama took office in January 2009.

➤  Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State January 21, 2009 & served until February 1, 2013. She was Obama's chief adviser regarding troop withdrawals & other Iraqi matters prior to 2012. 

Obama come into power only 5 years 8 months after the war began.

➤  When Obama took office there were about 140,000+ troops in Iraq.

➤  Obama withdrew 100,000 or more troops between March 2009 & September 2011.

I suggest you recheck your homework before your start clickin' yer heals & shootin' yer mouth off laddie.

I can admit when I am wrong, don't know why I was thinking 93. However you still seem to be deficient in facts.

Blaming Obama for ISIS is just Lunacy in comparison to the war mongers who destabilised the region and are widely accepted to hold a significant responsibility. People like John the rodent Howard, cowboy George Bush and Donald Duck Dumbsfeld hold a significantly greater responsibility.

Maintaining the invasion force in Iraq for longer was not going to change anything.

I gladly accept your flag, as you crawl mumbling away in defeat.
Begone serpent, & bear false witness no more!

No defeat here, you are the one trying unsuccessfully to defend an absolute Turkey. I made one admitted error but your various proposition's remains incorrect.
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