A poverty so deep most Americans don't even know it exists. From Chicago to Cleveland to the Mississippi Delta, 1 in 25 households can be surviving on this little. The official poverty level is of course much higher than this.
There are people with needle marks on their arms and the natural assumption is that they are addicts, but in fact they could be
selling their blood for cash income, the cash income that helps sustain them. And they employ all kinds of tricks to pass the medical that allows them to give blood, which then goes into plasma products for sale anywhere.
We hear about the food stamps system, but what you'll hear here is that it doesn't always help those who need it the most.
Plus the interesting fact that
if you're caught selling your food stamps you could actually get a longer jail sentence than if you robbed a bank.
http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/living-on-$2-a-day/75... I don't think Clinton gives a stuff about this kind of thing. I think, or I want to believe, Trump might.
And Obama, the former social worker from Illinois, will be moving out of the White House into a mansion somewhere and no doubt doing his Tiger Woods impressions around the world.
Nobody will pay you for your blood, that stopped a long time ago because drunks and addicts sold their tainted blood to feed their habits.
Food stamps (EBT card) are sold for fifty cents on the dollar in their neighborhoods. If the seller is caught the worst that will happen is they could loss their free ride.