Quote: Quote:I think it is not to late to try to get Muslims to appreciate freedom and democracy.
I doubt very much you think that FD
It worked on you Gandalf.
Quote:How can someone who holds Muhammad as the best example for mankind "appreciate" freedom and democracy?
Good question Gandalf. Do tell.
Quote:Thats your own argument FD, so I don't think you are being honest here. At best you would appealing to what you see as 'non-devout' muslims.
Quote:But on the same token, do you think its too late to convince people like sprint and herb that banning Islam is not the right way to go
I expect if the terrorism stopped, they would go back to hassling hippies and dole bludgers.
Quote: - using rational arguments?
I think stopping the terrorists would work a lot better.
Quote:Actually with that argument I would have to "accommodate" banning muslim immigration.
Perhaps we should get all unreasonable in our defence of freedom and democracy?
Quote:But as I already said - the solution is not bowing to the other's argument, its more about agreeing to disagree.
Good idea. Let's keep disagreeing. Agreed?
Quote:I think empathy has a big role to play - we are able to harden our attitudes on these debating points because we don't put ourselves in the other shoes: people who dismiss Sonia as a bigot need to appreciate the legitimate fear she has as a non-muslim for her and her children
How did you and Karnal respond when I pointed out that fear was my motivation for posting the Muhammed cartoon?
Quote:just as Sonia needs to appreciate the legitimate fear that a muslim would have, as a member of a vulnerable minority, when their own country officially says "muslims are not welcome to come here"
You should be afraid Gandalf. This is going to get worse before it gets better.