Prime Minister for Canyons
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Australian Politics
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Panther wrote on Jul 26 th, 2016 at 4:51pm: Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 26 th, 2016 at 3:02pm: Panther wrote on Jul 26 th, 2016 at 2:38pm: .. Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera, not exactly a Right Wing Journalist...he's a Center Left leaning guy...interviewed dozens of Bernie Supporters at the Convention, & he reported that not a single one of them will be casting a vote for Hillary come November...he said it was "...unanimous..."
When Bernie said "...we need to support Hillary...", they even booed him!
Bernie Sander's supporters around America that were tuned into the Convention all got an earfull, & I would speculate a large portion of them are thinking like those at the Convention.......
Anybody, but Hillary is the story of the day...... Do I even have to say, I wholeheartedly agree?
.. The fact he's on Fox news means he isn't centre left Your reasoning on this is way off, & your ignorance is glaring as usual.
That's why if someone called you an asshole, I wouldn't defend you.
Rivera is a life long Republican, which you would say must make him "far right", but the little you know about American Politics is your Achilles heel.
There are millions of Republicans that can be defined as left of center, to even far left in their views.
The Republican Party traverses all political spectrums, as do the views of many of the journalists working with, & for, Fox News. Actually they are probably more balanced than most American News organizations, but stay embedded in your ignorance......I take great joy in proving you wrong time & time again.
Source: The Blaze Quote:
.....Geraldo was also candid about his less-than-traditional GOP views on social issues. He noted his penchant for immigration reform, his embrace of “gay rights and gay marriage” and, perhaps most flammable, his views on abortion.
“I believe in choice — not obscenely – but I believe in Roe v. Wade,” he noted. “So you have to take my fiscal positions on being a Republican who believes that we have to bail out future generations rather than in-debt future generations – with some of these social policies that aren’t in sync with much of traditional GOP politics, at least in recent years.”......
As I said.....I'll reiterate.....Center Left.....leaning Left.....
If you would spend more time investigating before accusing, you'd never post.... So Bojack...How's it feel being a horse's ass.....again???
If he was centre-left he'd be Democrat, in stead he's centre right. Not a surprise given your attitude to research such as in your signature.