By Charles Hurt - - Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Donald Trump is “woefully unprepared,” President Obama said Tuesday. “Unfit to be president.”
Well, at least this is one area where the president is a bona fide, qualified expert.
If ever there was a man who entered the White House woefully unprepared and unfit to be president, it was Mr. Obama.
Sure, he hummed a good tune about unifying the country, ushering America into a new “post-racial” era. And he spoke of calming the seas and easing global violence and sprinkling peace between Muslims, Jews and Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
Lord, if we could just have 2008 back again. Those were the good old days.
Back before cops were targeted for assassination on the street. Before every police action became viewed first and foremost through the lens of radical racialism. Before the leader of the free world saw it as his duty to routinely insert himself into police matters from Baltimore to Cambridge to Ferguson, Missouri, to Sanford, Florida.
Those were the days before the president denounced people as xenophobes and racists for wanting to enforce the nation’s duly enacted immigration laws. Before tens of thousands of haggard families, children and slaves came rumbling through Mexico on “death trains,” drawn by the president’s illegal invitation. Back in the good old days, before 2008, everyone — including Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton — all agreed on building a fence to secure our southern border.
And those were the days before America’s first half-Muslim president traveled the world to apologize for American exceptionalism. Before he traveled to Cairo and told Muslims that “it is part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” Still looking for that one in the Constitution.
Before 2008, civilized Americans had never heard of people being burned alive in cages. Drowned in cages. We were not familiar with the practice of throwing gay people off of rooftops for religious purposes. Priests were not beheaded on their own altar.
Yet it is this same president who has presided over all of this these past eight years who has the gall to declare Donald Trump “unprepared” and “unqualified” to be president.
“I said so last week,” he responded when a reporter asked if Mr. Trump is unqualified. “And he keeps on proving it.”
“The notion that he would attack a Gold Star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia means that he’s woefully unprepared to do this job.”
Some gall.
And then on top of that, the president gives us his hand-picked successor, who is the one person in all of America who could possibly rival him for the blame of so many of our woes around the world today.
For 25 years, Mrs. Clinton has been part of the problem around here. For the first four years of Mr. Obama’s presidency, she helped craft his disastrous foreign policy.
Indeed, if Mrs. Clinton is what Mr. Obama considers “qualified” and “fit” for the presidency, we probably should settle for “unqualified” and “unfit.”