Black Orchid wrote on Aug 9
th, 2016 at 12:19pm:
Quote:Personal criticism
Do not post personal criticism of other members. Do not respond to personal criticism of yourself or other members. This is the biggest problem on OzPolitic. Too many members are easily baited into off-topic personal exchanges. If you participate in any kind of flame war you will be suspended, regardless of who started it or who you think ‘deserved it’.
OzPol has it back to front. It's the obsessive baiting that needs to be reined in here, not the occasional baits/digs but the persistent and repetitive baiting. Punishing people for retaliation when they are repeatedly being trolled is an odd way to run a forum.
I am baiting by defending myself... go figure...
here is the full quote
really Cods, you just can't help yourself can you?.
Quote:I agree FD is mostly absent, and has his own agenda, but you need to understand that people don't like being lumped into some generalised target.. you know Lefties and righties? Libs and Labor... I have more important issues in life than pollie BS.
I have at times found your posts offensive and indefensible, in many instances.. you can be one-eyed, vacuous and vicious, and this shows in your posts.
So blame yourself if you get suspended for it. Take responsibility for what you post, and stop thinking you are a victim of unfairness.
I am told that that is just an OPINION and not abuse
Aussie wrote on Aug 9
th, 2016 at 12:54pm:
You are entirely free to be as critical as you like, in the most colourful terms you like, of what a Member has posted. There is zero need to then add criticism of the Poster. Huge difference.
The Rule is quite clear. Do not post personal criticism of another Poster.
As BO may be implying, get rid of the Rule if it is to be completely ignored.
I'd be quite happy with that, as I am well equipped to hand it out with the best of them. However, there is a balance to be had, as a 'free for all' will deliver another dead Forum like elsewhere.
it is hard to follow and I am not talking about the rules... as we all make mistakes or interpret things differently I accept that....
however I am being lambasted in public... I have had it spelt out I am the worst ABUSER... and or person with an OPINION depending on your interpretaion of the rules....
on the one had.. those comments were abuse on the other just an OPINION>...
its mainly for future reference.....just in case I slip up...
when it comes to abuse I am the worst.. who knows I may be the best at least I can try,.
lets make a request
that we at least be shown the post... or told why we are being banned.......if they are right and claim we deserve it... then show us so we do not do it again.....
if someone explains to me how I have hurt them or insulted them... then at least I can apologise...if I believe they are correct... I did try that with someone.. but to no avail.....I do not know how anyone can undo what they have done on the forum......
an apology isnt enough and in my case a banning wasnt enough....
maybe I help to make FDs membership look good to advertisers I dont know... but why hasnt he banned me permanently if I am that bad.....
just tell us what we do wrong so we can fix it...I steer clear of people but that according to emma isnt enough...