Quote:Well the Gmod is given the job of the arbitrator and has to make a decision.....
Quote:......and I suspect if he has to explain his ruling on each occasion bedlam would ensue with everyone having their two bobs worth in opinions.
Disagree, and that is because the Rules preclude revealing the content of PMs, thus, the matter of the explanation is kept private.
Quote:He could decide to give you a private ruling but with some that would still start a PM war with him.
Mr Hicks has posted, many times, that a PM explaining any Ban is sent to the Member.
Quote:So if I was the head honco I would leave it up to the Gmod to decide if he wanted to discuss his ruling but as a general rule "no correspondence will be entered into". That is he would read your PM and act or not act as he saw fit!
I look at it from the perspective of developing consistency. Members ought to have a gauge they can measure against. "I see Fred got kicked in the nuts for saying.....blah blah blah.......so I better not tempt fate."
If Harry got a ban for saying 'Boo', and Anne, who also said 'Boo,' not not get disciplined, then we have identified a clear problem with consistency.